Showing posts with label gimp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gimp. Show all posts

Mitochondrial Eve and Monte Carlo Methods

The title is just something I was thinking and it occurred to me that until they have tested every single person on the planet, they will never know if they all come from the same mitochondrial tree. I also was thinking that some genes could be reversed with no effect if they were palindromes.

I had been planning to make a tree program that grows trees and various other things and this tutorial about plants is really informative. ngplant Making Trees and the second image is a snapshot of the package running and a thing I did in a few seconds of testing. The top image is one that is imported in blender from the examples. It should be very helpful in understanding the relationships. Strangely, I had assumed most of what they discovered about rotation, Fibonacci and basic model organisms. Great fun and useful too. The package assembles easily and uses "scons" and "mercurial".

Strange ways under space

Many new techniques are available for representing, managing and expressing relationships. The tikZ extension for \LaTeX is very interesting and new features of Inkscape are also useful. The combination of open source tools is advancing very rapidly. I have found them useful in expressing and understanding the complex interaction of space and energy. I have a fairly good idea of the nature of dark matter and where it originates and how it acts upon the universe. It is certainly one of those aspects for which there is no common tool or technique to measure and as such it would be virtually invisible and exists only by its disturbance of other measure. This implies the means to measure , even if only in some gross way. The coherence of information does imply some new relationships.

The understanding I now have of dark matter implies a "chemistry" which is more complex and convolved than the simple interaction of atomic bonding. Yet it does have pattern and perhaps can be placed in a type of periodic table.

Mixing math methods

Further refinement of the idea of transporting equations to action, surfaces and demonstrations in blender.

Blender allows python scripts to be transported with the blend file and can produce movies with sound and animation. It is the perfect vehicle for carrying function with data.

The simplest space

The file is a k3d surface file and the image is with conditional boundaries spaces and with surface normals. The file extension is k3ds. I have been working at resolving the sqrt(-1) as it is extended into all mathematics. There is a different perspective to all this that is less contradictory, and allows an easy progression to higher space, but it is like learning math from the ground up in a new way. It doesn't bother me as I switch from language to language all the time in programming and on the net. Sadly, this is the simplest common denominator that I can create and even this is not the whole picture. I have started doing Python in blender to allow things that are only available in other packages like numpy and even gimp or inkscape. The image is of some related surfaces that also have connectivity between them and so this is another dimension and this is just the relationship of three dimensions. I can select surfaces in the 3D space and use them in blender to analyze and comprehend the complex functional space of a signal, gravity, or system.

Name:motey /* Author: motey */ F():(x/y)*(x+y)+ (y/x)*(x+y)+ (x+z)*(x/z)+ (z/x)*(x+z)+ (z/y)*(z+y)+ (y/z)*(y+z)- 15*(cos(x)+ cos(y)+ cos(z)) [x]: -pi , pi [y]: -pi , pi [z]: -pi , pi Cnd: (x^2 + y^2 > 3.14) & ( x+y+z > -3.14) ;

When the matrices are included in this it becomes even more complex and this is the foundational relationship of numerical space or measured space and sets.

It is very complex and the rule sets are complex. I see no way to resolve it to anything less simple, in fact it must be 4 infinities more complex than this just to deal with common perception.

There is quite a bit of overlap in the packages, but it seems that Python is the common denominator which can integrate them all. Perl and CPAN is another, but Perl is a little trickier and somewhat obtuse. Python seems to be structured well enough to be understandable, though it lacks speed. This is where the libraries help.

I suppose I will use the blender template with python to integrate all of the math and graphics. It has 3space and time incorporated in the design and so is closer to the manipulation of S3 in S3 and T2 in T2, but that is as close as 3 infinities, but there seems no better way to deal with it or allow visualization.

G and c fall out as it is applied to charge space and so it gives a coherent expansion of the possibilities for matter from the lowest elements to the combinations of them.

An interesting correlation is the nature of information itself and that relationship to the DNA pair AT and also GC. I could say that a specific temperature that GC is boundary and AT is open and thus the combinations of ATn are the information in the same way that 0s and 1s are the foundation of binary logic.

The TED talk by Michael Shermer is very entertaining and it is an interesting equation that deals with Type 1 and Type 2 errors when Type 2 is fatal. It is worth viewing. It does get to the heart of superstition. I would add that superstition and craziness can be a survival parameter in the same way that randomness can be applied to war games to get advantage. Just because some people are illogical and insane does not mean they are absolutely destined for a Darwin award, and in fact the crazy guy and his wife who hide in a cave could be the founder of a new race if there is a global calamity that makes them selected. It seems that there is an underlying survival mechanism that is explored in the "Mote in God's Eye" and that is the "Crazy Eddie" hypothesis. And the moties is the origin of the pseudonym motey that I often use.

Tribute to Archimedes creativity

Archimedes was said to have solved the weight and composition of a crown by the water it displaced. Here I have a way to create graphs with various programs and then perform integration by counting the filled area color using the histogram function. It is a method to perform a definite integral Σf(x)δx a→b of any function without any mathematical skills whatsoever. It also allows me to get the length of the curve without any calculus whatsoever. It is also possible to select by color to perform surface integrals.

It seems a kind of solution that Archimedes would have appreciated. It may not be rocket surgery, but I find it interesting.

This is what I would expect from a gamma ray burst initiated by FTL. It would produce a halo of red shift that expanded outward and would have a red shift that varied with the distance from the point of GRB. It would be unique in the fact that it would produce a transient red shift in emitted light along the direction of acceleration proportional to the z of the GRB. If this is true there should be an opposite effect at the terminal end which is the opposite polarity. It could be determined by drawing lines between the vectors what paths were taken. This would give the extent of travel. Since the ring would be a plane in the direction of travel it would not be a TSP problem to connect the dots. At this point it is pure speculation, but I will continue to look for the specific signature that I have calculated to exist. I know that FTL is possible even if it would be beyond the technology. It seems reasonable to consider that if it is possible and the universe is large, the natural progression of technology would lead to this. I would doubt that a space faring race would bear any resemblance to us. Advances in DNA and cybernetics are already being implemented and I would guess that being human in the future would be quite different. I saw a TED talk on new interfaces and I think they have it wrong as the natural progression of computational interface is direct to the DNA.

I also doubt they would be willing to augment humans, any more than we would build squirrels with human brains and equip them with cyber enhancements. There must be some purpose for moving about the universe, other than conquest. It seems this is just another level and beyond that is something that I suspect exists and would like to confirm, if I can make a good model. I do not think black holes are homogeneous and that inside them is something strange. There is more mass inside a tiny space than is in an entire galaxy. I have no idea how one would peer into a black hole, but perhaps it is possible to look inside.

I assume that the majority of GRB are simply collapses of stars just because of the uniformity, but the energy output seems to be all wrong. I would make a wild guess that it is a black hole eating a smaller black hole. I had modeled this before and it would have some odd consequences depending on the size of the two objects.

gimp computing and gnuplot

Too much time on my hands, and theirs.

This is easy to do with gnuplot and is done with a simple sequence of operations. The goal is to create some images to be imported into gimp and analyzed with a script that I am creating. What is done is to create the fourier transform of a signal then convert that to specific sine waves and compute the "mass" or length of the waves by summing pixels. (Number of dots)= length of curve. I was trying to see if there were some easy unusual transforms that would provide analytical information about a signal without performing a de-constructive analysis.

sudo apt-get install gnuplot

Below is the file saved as "gnup.plot"

set xrange [-pi/2:pi/2]; set yrange [-pi/2:pi/2] set contour set isosamples 100,100; set samples 100,100 splot sin(x)*cos(y) with lines palette linewidth 4 pause -1

It is invoked by the command line :

gnuplot gnup.plot

That is just the start of it and I will generate sine waves, open them as layers, merge and then run my script to analyze them. It seems to me that a fourier analysis implies a certain amount of perfection that is never present in the world. Any system that oscillates would be damped to some degree and the most common waveform that is likely would be a distorted sine of continually decaying amplitude.

The second order of light ( time in time )

I have considered the consequence of FTL and it seems a reasonable assumption that transverse gravity pulses would produce a specific effect that is measurable. It would not be simple and this is why I would rather have raw data from Hubble and NASA. It seems it would be observed in all absorption lines over a very short period of time. It could just be buried in the averaging over time of specific frequency response or not even considered at all. The paired variation of lines would add in direction to isolate the effect. The noise level of response might mask a change in one line, but the change in all in one direction might still be in the noise, but because it is joined with the other variances, would be significant data. To make a simple analogy, it would not be significant if some random person in a crowd moved within the noise level, but if all people moved in that same pattern for a complete cycle, it would constitute a significant variation from what would be expected statistically.

An interesting thing that I have been doing is to take vectors in 3 space and mapping them to colors in an image. With the tools that gimp provides, I can extract isoclines with the color select tool and even select in specific dimensions. I was not aware of a method to edit selection space, but in fact that is possible if the selection is saved as a mask and then selected itself. The set wise selection such as intersects, add, and exclusions allows more complexity and information to be extracted.

The net result is a means to analyze vector space in space as a pseudo 6 dimensional model. When I combine layers, I can merge many different dimensions of a problem in the same way that I might do a matrix multiplication. I can use the operators for levels like multiply, add, subtract, dodge, burn, and such to actually perform a matrix calculation with more methods than add and multiply. When combined with scripts, I can take a data set represented as an image and create a matrix solution to a complex problem of 2^millionth power dimensions.

I wonder if they have considered small scale in these measurements. This is actually from a class "Be" star.

The idea of cyclic changes is not new as this is actually from 1932. It does talk abut something that I never considered and it does make sense. The higher frequencies would be shifted less as the relationship E=hf shows that more energy is required to shift the higher wavelengths. I had not thought of that. It is then a non linear shift that would be observed. I am sure this specific observation is not related to an FTL event per se.

Rapid variations of narrow absorption line components in the spectrum of P Cygni
Cornelis de Jager
a SRON Laboratory for Space Research, Sorbonnelaan 2, 3584 CA, Utrecht, The Netherlands
b Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Via Lactea s/n, E-38200, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Received 26 November 2002;
Revised 16 January 2003;
accepted 20 January 2003
Communicated by K. Nomoto
Available online 6 March 2003.
We report the detection of rapid wavelength and intensity variations of narrow components in absorption line profiles of the hot galactic supergiant P Cygni. During most of the time, in 1 week of observations, there were two such components present. Although the period of observation is too short for firm conclusions, the velocity curves do not contradict the photometric period of 17.3 days. These curves may be interpreted as a double wave, ‘swinging in counterphase’. This observation would suggest the presence of one long wave over the stellar surface. The waves are possibly gravity waves with wavelengths of the order of half the stellar radius.

Short-period line profile and light variations in the Herbig Ae star V351 Orionis. There's lots of data available, but I would really like to see the raw data as everything has more patterns than would be expected at first glance.

Harvard has some NASA data that covers the subject, but is focused at longer time domains. I am not an astrophysicist and so this is quite a surprise to me that there is so much data and on top of that, it serves to verify my impression of how light is distorted in all lines, and I actually would have missed the fact that line shifts would vary on energy, even though that is an obvious relationship that I should have caught immediately.

The discovery of millisecond oscillations in the persistent emission and also in thermonuclear X-ray bursts from neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) has opened a new window on the dynamics of accreting neutron stars (Strohmayer et al. 1996). The timescales of the millisecond quasiperiodic oscillations found in the persistent emission (hereafter kHz QPOs) match those expected from accretion dynamics very close to the

Obviously this type of measurement is common knowledge to an astrophysicist. ( I mean the variation issue, not the alien thing, but one has to wonder if somebody already knows.)

And from wikipedia, something that may correlate from another area. GRB

* GRBs occur randomly on the sky
* From the Earth, we could see about one per day if we were able to watch the entire sky all of the time
* There are two classes of GRB: those that last less than about 2 seconds, and those that last longer than about 2 seconds
* The long bursts occur at cosmological distances; while distances of the short bursts have not been measured
* Given the distance of the long bursts, they must put out about 1053 ergs of energy (if they emit energy equally in all directions)

It really could not be this easy, I think, but then it does make sense if there is life everywhere and they eventually are able to implement FTL. It is actually a bit scary to me as this could mean that we are not just not alone, but just ignorant and surrounded by civilization that is vastly more advanced. I am going to do some more calculation and determine the exact signature that would arise from the ignition and deceleration of an FTL drive. I am going to then take the signature and direction to plot the paths of the objects that would be transported using blender. I assume that would give me a map of the roads. This is purely speculation, but as I investigate more it becomes even more likely that I am completely correct. This could be the smoking gun that proves the existence of ET. Considering some comments by Stephen Hawking and others recently, it may actually be something that has already been done and that the satellites that are out to do 3D of the sun are in fact double purposed to get parallax on GRB and gravity waves. This is very likely from my estimation and with the deeper understanding of inertial cancelling and relationship of gravity to EM. Wow that is definitely odd, if it proves true. Here is a link to what I suppose is the real SETI. (LISA) from NASA. Meet the new neighbors from across the infinity road...... Gravity waves would also be the signal method of choice IMHO and it would seem that also Von-Neumann probes would be a real possibility. I actually should have seen this before, but I had not expected FTL to be possible, because of the dangers, but it looks less impossible and definitely would be the only way to get from star to star in some real time frame. I feel like an Indian seeing the Iron Horse for the first time. Perhaps Hawking does know something we have missed. You really can't expect them to have any more respect for life than we do. Its too late to rewrite history, the past is written in the blood of the innocent and weak.

Something is definitely up.

The moon engine

Japan plans to put robots on the moon. Finally somebody gets it. What they also need is innovation. It seems to me that the moon is a perfect step to tele-presence. It also seems that if side facing sun is hot, side away from sun is cold, it is a heat engine that could easily be exploited to have as much energy as was needed. It might be the ultimate steam punk. Just by laying a circular pipe with in-line turbines at the poles, it wouldn't even need a recirculation pump.

I could likely engineer a payload that was a few pounds that would use existing materials to tunnel in the rocky surface to create a sub-surface ring that had plugs at various points about the circumference. It would generate the energy to expand the ring and also convert some of the oxygen bound in compounds. It would require some engineering, but I did this process control a hundred times on a wide range of toxic and non-toxic materials, H2O2, liquid nitrogen, silanes, ........ There is iron oxides and thus iron and oxygen. Fuel is a simple conversion. It solves the gravitational problem temporarily. I could expound on the nature of relativistic energy, but I will save it for another day.

Chemical composition of the lunar surface regolith (derived from crustal rocks)

Compound Formula Composition (wt %)
Maria Highlands
silica SiO2 45.4% 45.5%
alumina Al2O3 14.9% 24.0%
lime CaO 11.8% 15.9%
iron(II) oxide FeO 14.1% 5.9%
magnesia MgO 9.2% 7.5%
titanium dioxide TiO2 3.9% 0.6%
sodium oxide Na2O 0.6% 0.6%
Total 99.9% 100.0%

The image was generated with gimp. It took about three minutes to create with a stock moon photo included. I suppose I could have done crater fill and gradient on a circle, but why reinvent something if you can just go outside and take a picture. I am assuming that the moon is not copyrighted , yet.

Considering that people will waste a day mining gold in a VR game, it would be a simple matter to establish a VR link to a subterranean bot that was doing stuff on the moon. I bet there are about 10 million people who would serve in the VR space core and could generate real money in the form of energy and product. A centralised laser link to a simple wifi could even serve as an internet of sorts. The moon could be a server. Google moon? The bots could have their own IP addresses.

It seems that the rings would be a transport system. If a sphere were inserted, it would be driven in a circle about the moon as the material was heated behind it. Free travel system.

You know, if there were metals on the moon you could make connections. Alas, all that could be extracted is Al and Fe, you would need aluminum and iron. I don't know what Al and Fe are, but they must be some exotic moon atoms. And also you would need sand but what is there is just SiO2. If there were metals like Titanium that would be nice too, but there is only Ti. Also what would you do for Oxygen and Hydrogen is probably the rarest atom in the universe to collect and combine with the Oxygen. It seems the reaction of H2 and O2 is extremely endothermic and requires much energy, or is it extremely exothermic, I forget.

I thought I heard once that sand was an insulator, but SiO2 probably is conductive.

Quartz would also be useful as it shows a strong piezoelectric effect perpendicularly to the prism axis. Applying pressure on a quartz crystal generates an electrical polarization along the pressure direction. Alternatively, applying an electrical tension leads to a mechanical deformation of the crystal. That would be something cool to use too, but I guess it would have to be fed-ex'd from the Andromeda galaxy.

It is a shame that all these chemicals are mixed up and unusable. They have pure chemicals here on Earth and I think they grow in the special environment of the chemistry supply house I use. There could be magic involved too. I know that just putting K in H2O doesn't work as you have to know the magic alchemists word *****, but that is a secret. I once heard somebody speak the wrong words when they mixed them and those I know. They are "Oh shit , why did that explode?"

Also it is possible to focus the sun's energy, but you can't make the temperature higher than the source, and I think the surface temperature of the sun is below boiling, otherwise we would boil if we walked in the sun light.

On top of everything else, the moon is 200,000 miles away and the speed of light is just a little faster than sound, AFAIK and that is 340 meters per second so it would take forever to communicate with the moon. Also you have to have a meter to miles converter in the signal path and they don't come cheap.

Reimann Robots

  1. Blender flock
  2. elsamuko flocks (boids)

I am modifying this for red and black ants and super ants as they exist with multiple queens. I also have a test I wanted to try using Reimann integrals in n-Space. Boids and the blender animation are interesting. The implementation of boids by elsamuko is easy to modify and well programmed. There is an interesting intersect between genotype to phenotype and Reimann as well as swarm behaviour.

Interesting thought, is the internet starting to swarm, and is that what scares the governments so much? I saw some interesting things on emergent government and it seems that it would create a new informal structure. The parametrics are more complex than this, but I can see for myself that people with similar interest are likely to act in the same way, independent of any actual association.

DaVinci Shop

It is interesting to see how much can be done with gimp.

This was about 2 minutes work. It is not good work, but intended to show a difference. Mona Lisa image enhancements using fourier and gaussians and intelligent scissors. It is obvious that I can extract the original intent and character of the image and I wonder why it isn't completely redone as a new icon by somebody with talent. I can see that if I spent a little time, I could extract the veil, the texture of the hair, the color of skin and the proper shading as well as things that are underneath. It is obvious how it was constructed and the knowledge of anatomy that went into the definition. It is also obvious that it was "enhanced" for effect.

I assume that I could write a painting reversal script using python or scheme easily now. I think I will do that, so I can see what paintings must have looked like in their original incarnation. A bit of physics, anatomy, genetics, and chemistry knowledge does not hurt in that task.

It seems that I could extract a reasonable approximation of physical genotype as well. I devised a new spatial transform that can be used for genetics, while studying LaGrange and his achievements.

Perhaps some day I will spend the time to extract what is down under this image.

Fourier Time

As time goes by, the various tools become more familiar. It takes the brain some time and energy to establish the models for managing methods. It seems that I play blender, gimp, inkscape, zim, python, shell, ... like a piano now. I hardly notice that I perform a series of a dozen key strokes to get from one aspect to another. Triple reference frames with vector sums of a manifold is not an easy transform to nD → 4D → 3D → 2D, much is lost. I wish there was a better way to xform and that is a WIP. This is a Fourier transform product of the SG(Δt&S1δs·S2δs)<â133> time wing. A label for what happens in multiple simultaneous reference frames. Even ζ(s) eventually becomes familiar. This is the sum of the vector product in time and space. I really dislike the fact that time is assumed to be a real dimension. It is the relative relationship of change and so is as arbitrary as the direction North.

Another interesting thing is some thoughts about the brain in a holistic way. Here is a link to a "Research Fellow", Steven Lehar at Harvard. I have come to realise that some aspects of superconducting theory can be applied at room temperature ( actually any T°K ) and explain some really odd happening at the molecular level with DNA and proteins. I suppose that it is possible that the brain also acts as a multi-mode resonant parallel computer on top of a serial computer. Nature seems to come up with some really odd combinations. Isn't a flying parasite odd ? Plant/fungus sex is sure some kinky stuff. It seems to me that thought at a chemical level in the cell and its amplification and fine tuning, is consistent with the idea of holistic interaction and the gross process of neural action. It seems to me that the "Matrix" is a possibility, but what would the gain be to control a bunch of funky bio jerks, when a cyborg is much more manageable and effective for most purposes.

Hey, I thought of a good movie. Terminator III where people dress up as terminators to infiltrate the cyborgs. It could be told from the viewpoint of a cyber girl who is the future parent of all cyborgs. Synthia Borgia

The dark visions

It seems that less is more sometimes. I was reading the history of whaling and it is disturbing as they killed nearly all of the creatures to make lamp oil. And the buffalo is another. It seems as if the mind set is to destroy the very nature of existence for some brief glory. I am part North American Indian and I doubt that explains how much it bothers me.

I can say for certain that space is not warped by gravity and there is no such thing as a "photon". I have said before that there is no such dimension as time and that is simply a logical construct or attribute of the constantly changing universe. Collecting two specific elements of a large set and disassociating them are not paired actions. I find it quite odd that anyone would consider that the differential gravity of a black hole would disassociate something and then perfectly construct it again. Once a set is disconnected, it requires quite a coincidence for even a few bonds to return to a previous state. Once all the different theories are twisted and realigned it is obvious what make superconducting and many other things.

Glimpse (gimp) extensions

This one took about 25 seconds to create. Duplicate layer, Oval select, fill, transparent layer, rectangle select, fill, oval, fill gradient, text=8, scale, background, texture fill, layer, motion blur, merge down, save, done.

I never used the scissor select before and I really missed a good tool. As time goes by, I learn new ways to combine methods and this is really useful. You select a point and then others and it follows a path / boundary , best as it can. Strangely this is exactly what I was trying to implement. So they already thought of it, but I wanted to do a little more with it, so I will look at the scissor algorithm a bit.

Getting source and dependencies, then in the files :

sudo apt-get source gimp sudo apt-get build-dep gimp ( modified ) gimp-2.6.7/app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c gimp-2.6.7/app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.h

I have modified the gimp to glimpse to add some new selection options that allow following paths as vectors and curves, because I needed them for vector space and manifold like selection as layers. The intent is to merge with blender and my OpenGL. Below is a rope topology image that shows a "quick hitch". The integration involves physics of objects as well as the dimensional manipulation of objects in space as dots and flats as well as models and faces. It is like using a grease pencil in 3D in blender, but uses layers to make the separations as integers. So the physics deals with dots or atoms of the rope or surface and integrates the coefficient of friction to determine how the material acts. In this case the quick hitch holds in the direction of the arrow ( where friction is above a specific value ), but collapses when pulled by the other free end.

I am investigating for a way to more easily move images to selections as editable images. Topology is another area where the science needs some serious extension and new ideas.

Möbius light

I ran into an interesting thing with light or at least that class of things that are similar to light in the interaction of of charge or gravity systems. It is a generality above the normal definition of electromagnetic interaction. In the case of light emission and absorption, there is a fairly specific pairing between the system that creates the energy and that which absorbs it. In the process I have revisited some early work of Heisenberg and Schrödinger. It seems that even in this area, there is a vast undiscovered landscape of new ways of understanding the nature of matter. How matrix mathematics becomes tangled in this is also interesting. Hermann Grassmann's work is very informative.

Down under this is another new world.

I am creating a gimp script that does MonteCarloRain which is a fairly complex vector functional analysis of an image which creates layers that represent the image flow. I will put up the scheme script when it is stable. Scheme is a simple language at its core and can be very powerful. I had a thought, it seems to me that somebody needs to give gimp a makeover and extend it a bit more with OpenGL then call it "glimpse" in debian for "Graphic Language Information Meta Process System Extension". I might do that one day. I know that some people have an over active political correctness aversion to the name "gimp".

On the Face it seems to work

A new script for gimp is at the gimp registry and it uses:

sudo apt-get install libcv-dev

It is interesting to study and the process description is very informative. It works on samples that I got from google faces easily, even in mono and at a small scale. I will study the algorithm as it obviously has many uses and can be modified to see other types of patterns in data sets.

Here is a reference to libcv ( computer vision )

Plotting tools

#!/usr/bin/octave -qf x=linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); y=sin(x) plot (x,y) print -deps plotsh.eps exit

The image was converted from the eps format with gimp and the script is chmod +x.

Octave seems a useful tool and I will use it as part of my tool set now. A simple example is at GNU

This plot dialog window is opened with menu element "plot" sub element "2D" and then "plot" in that third level of menu.

The same thing can be done with the qtoctave GUI. same values in the areas for x and y then click add button, select the graph by clicking on the item and click the ok button.

#!/usr/bin/octave -qf load xy.dat plot (x,y) pause print -deps plotsh.eps exit

This is the data file for this graph.

# Created by Octave 3.0.5, # name: __nargin__ # type: scalar 0 # name: x # type: matrix # rows: 1 # columns: 12 0 1 2 4 5 10 12 19 22 24 28 29 # name: y # type: matrix # rows: 1 # columns: 12 0 2 2 3 4 6 6 7 7 8 10 11

gimp resynthesizer

I am testing a new script for gimp. The site which has information is and I am just getting started with using it so I will fill in the post as I learn to apply it. The image of an extended texture is certainly interesting.

Wow this is spooky! Well worth knowing.

Elaine Morgan at Ted Talks is also very interesting. I see a real basis there for a genetic shift. The ability to hold breath in an ape would be a fairly simple change and as a result A. dies for want of fish when land is barren. B. Survives by finding food in the sea. Not enough difference to cause genetic incompatibility, but enough to make it a pathway. Very likely in my estimation and other changes like hair loss, standing, speech and neural changes would come later. A definite schism with no real way back. Very very plausible. If a gorilla chasing cannot enter the water, it cannot exert its dominance.

After thinking about the Elaine Morgan talk at Ted Talks it seems really plausible that some ape that had a nerve pathway to have voluntary control of their breathing would be completely dominant. I don't know if this is the pathway, but let me imagine. An ape is born that can go out in water over its head because it can hold its breath. It is an obvious escape from the control of other apes. Apes are not stupid and have sense of reflection about others ( monkey see, monkey do ). If an ape simply took as many mates which could not enter the water to an island, there would be no way for the other apes to oppose the process. It would likely produce a generation of apes which could not leave the island. The next inbred generation would have 25% dominant swimmers. Also the inbreeding would highlight previously hidden recessive traits that may have been deselected, like lack of hair, etc. It makes a good story and could very well be the reason there would be no great transitional record. It would seem that an island in Africa somewhere might hold a large surprise someday. I think it might even be possible to construct a vector of the possible location, if it were true. It would seem that if the change were recessive that the story could play out over and over in new conditions.

It seems that gene dating should also be a suggestion to determine if this is true. The number of SNPs in a particular gene can be used as a type of general dating of when a change took place. It is intriguing and the most sensible path that could explain a paradigm shift of the proportion that exists between apes and men.

I think this is a real leap, it is all coherent. It is like any other change that comes about by randomness. There must be an advantage and that main advantage was voluntary control of the breathing. It would seem then the defining characteristic of a human would be a specific nerve path shared with dolphins and birds. The fact that it is likely an early dominant land trait would be reasonable as the original land creatures would have had the same isolation. This means that the inbreeding interface could have extended and recursed over millions of years even. I say it was two major breaks, one in Asia and one in Africa, likely Tanzania.

Symmetry, names, quarks, charm and beauty

A new script from gimp and a chance to test the interaction of new elements. I have been looking at biology of embryonic development also. Something to remember if you are putting new scripts in gimp directories, they must be executable ( chmod +x ) or they will not get registered and used.

This image is a mixed symmetry and though the image hardly tells the story, each change and relationship between the symmetries and their effect on the product, told me a new thing. It is really strange because each thing seems to echo into every other understanding and whether it means anything or not, zona pellucida and corona radiata still interact in all the infinities.

An interesting thing that I stumbled across is the fact that anatomy and naming of body parts was so messed up in the 1500's that they had to almost start all over again. They must have settled on Latin, which I suppose is as good as anything, if the choice is learning twenty languages and then trying to mix them all to explain what a frog's leg looks like.

You know what they say, "If it quarks like an atomic particle, it probably was named in isolation."

It may not be understood by others yet, but there is a symmetry in the universe from the neutrino to the whole universe and reflects in the origin of life and the nature of sentience. There is a whole world below DNA in the cell that is completely undiscovered and holds some strange facts about life, its origins and the things that may exist in places unseen. There is a strange sub-universe that exists within our perception and the failure to recognize it seems absurd to me now. It is always that way. I could have been that ignorant yesterday and so I speak of myself when I wonder why it is that the things which should be obvious on inspection are categorized and cartooned to be less than they are. Each perception and new knowledge combine to create a more complete image of what the universe is all about and if I consider how I viewed the universe at 20, it almost makes be shudder. There in the dark of knowing, the Were-tortoise hides.

Blender 2.5 Python 3.x and Make Human

This is kind of cleanup work. Blender comes with Python 3, which is different and blender 2.5⇒2.6 is different also. Make human has changed and so has make ant. It is a lot of change and so that is fun. In the process I am going back and analyzing how HOX (Homeobox) genes act to make an organism and it is somewhat like the Cube game engine. I can have a python script that generates an organism and correlate how the organism develops. I use a different approach and have volumetric muscles which are objects and the laws of physics determine how the muscles act in a circumstance. By also creating a cellularly modeled neural array that is trained, the entire process proceeds from DNA to model without any intervention, if I get the relationships correct. I am going back over this to make the entire process programmable in English.

The work involves tuning the relationship between a symbolic gene set and the product organism. I always learn some new things when I revisit the techniques and this is a great opportunity to make the process more coherent, and perhaps extensible.

The image is an example of a series of steps applied to a cube. I can do this in my program also, but the interface is designed differently and projected to be coherent with WebGL arrival.

One of the things I wanted to do, is to see if I could recurse everything and have a python script that was a tutorial in blender 2.5 and python 3.0 that would generate a video and blend file that could be played along with the video and the sound generated by a voice generator.

This way it would be easier to explain how antfarmgl and the WebGL interface works.

I may seem that I hop about subjects all the time, but my days are full and I study physics, genetics, mathematics, programming, and chemistry all at the same time and a couple posts every day is like 2 frames of a 14 hour video and they are bound to be different, unless I just sat and stared all day.

People are creating new scripts for gimp every day and blender has interface to svg. In addition I am developing new tricks and each day make the scheme scripts, interfaces, python and overall process more clear and easier to use. Sometimes I am frustrated when I have an idea of some decoration that I want to create for a post and so it isn't perfect, but each day makes it a little less frustrating.

Kodos has invaded

I was doing some REGEX and wanted to test something and behold kregexpeditor is not included in KDE4. So I looked for an alternative. "sudo apt-cache search regex | grep 'various stuff'". I found kodos as a python thing and I like it better than kregexpeditor, Many of the KDE4 things are new and as such require a learning curve. It is worth it though. I like kodos and a new perspective always helps me. It has many new features and if you want to learn REGEX from scratch even, this is a good tool, IMHO.

As far as those who catch on to gravity, the gravity guild has an open invitation and there is no leadership to the guild. It is simply a collection and many tools are already available to those who can understand how to use them. Just like life, what you do with your fingers is your business and if you feel that sticking your finger in somebody's eye is the intelligent thing to do then that is what you will probably do. Knowledge does not come with DRM, as much as some of those who sell it, would like you to believe.

The package kregexpeditor is "gettable" and seems to work fine. Python package kodos has not been modified in years, but seems quite adequate and I have the Python source and can make whatever changes I like if something needs to be added, but most of this is a learning experience anyway. It has net interface built in and can be modified for lots of fun things.

This editor is much more intuitive, I think, and it is more obvious what is taking place and I am still trying to make it goof up, but haven't found a hole yet.

I use gimp a lot along with blender, ImageMagick, and InkScape. I can modify the Python and scheme scripts or mess with the XML and change the filters to do different things. I was trying to figure out how to create a specific effect today and to my surprise, I can combine various commands and do something you can't do in other softwares AFAIK. It is the flexibility to do almost anything that I appreciate. The ability to add scripts and extend the capabilities is priceless. And sharing them is easy.

GIMP: Here is an easy one I discovered today. I select using the color tool and get little spots outside the area I want and I could erase the selection, but you can also decrease selection by 1 or 2 and the increase selection by the same amount and all the little speckle selects go away.

The new methods of selection add, intersect and exclude are also very helpful.


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