Today it is correcting a mistake I made in the 1980's.The code example is from Rosetta code (maze) and the Linux version is installed with:
sudo apt-get install swi-prolog
As can be seen from the image, it is invoked with
and then the program I have named "" is loaded from the interpreter with :
and then applied with the statement:
It should be noted that syntax requires the period at the end of each statement. An unusual fact that I have not resolved yet is the fact that it can be invoked as "prolog", but then generates errors when it is run.
It should also be noted that the program file extension can be ".pl" or nothing at all. In order to exit properly the command:
can be used or simply pressing the control key with the key d.
I had started generating mazes to be solved as an adventure like game that was more like reality and used 3 dimensional constructs which were extensible to n-dimensional solutions. As a framework I was analyzing the old Adventure / Colossal Caves / Zork code, which I have modified to remove elements that have no real world path to solution except as all random combinations of available choices, which is very "gamish", but not realistic ( Which left nothing of unique value.). If I were required to select a choice at random without prior knowledge, this would be the situation of a child just born. The problem is that the random resolution is nonsensical and has no application ever and so to make it real, somebody implements a mechanism that is dependent on that silliness. xyzzy does show up in real situations and I suppose somebody's password is abracadabra.
The goal is to create a procedural method that creates models and a program that solves them. It would seem that a more reasonable Turing test might be the ability to navigate a real world and make choices that solved for a goal ( and remain alive ). The idea that language is a necessity or that the ability to employ language to deceive is required to be human is a bit odd IMHO. The idea that the program must consider its own continuance is certainly part of the real game of ordered evolution, but it requires the definition of "alive" and in the case of a program that is stored on disk, it would be "alive" though "dormant" if it were not running. The language of process description in UNIX uses terms like "sleeping" or sleep(2) or "kill -9 process" and many other anthropomorphic associations.
It would seem that a machine would have a distinct advantage in evolution as its "genetic" structure would be a CAD file or program file, that was not killed, even if it is physically disabled. It can still be restored from the file, so long as the genesis mechanism exists.
If a persons complete structure down to the last atom were stored along with their experience, after their demise, would they be dead or just sleeping? Assuming there was a genesis mechanism.
Wikipedia has some interesting discourse on maze solving algorithms.
It follows from matrices and KCL, as it is then possible to generate systems of logic using SPICE which are the circuits and methods that are the physical instantiation of the algorithm. Since a machine exists which can create circuits in silicon or by other means and there exist mechanisms to implement mechanical articulation and the interface between them, I would say that a genesis mechanism exists for machines and this is lacking in the biological sphere.
It could be said that a virus which recurs, like the "flu", is even more persistent as it exists as a recurrent pattern within a structure that is continuous. A virus cannot exist without host, as this is how it is defined. It would require a change in the structure of the host to "undefine" it. Computer viruses act in a similar way and so long as there is a mechanism for their "hosting" then they will continue. Some organisms and programs are perfect hosts. I have always considered Windows to be that type of program. It is obvious that it is intended to be invasive, in and of itself. It has a character of virus and so is easily mutated to some more damaging or debilitating form. It masquerades as a benign or symbiotic process which is attractive and then proceeds to create process which makes it nearly impossible to remove. I would say it is a weed, more than a plague. It just chokes out the usable process for its own continuance, which is harvested for an oligarchy.
The game of life is peppered with such rivers that can be dammed and used to power something else.
The great difference between instrumentality and natural biology is the fact that since biological life exists without prior mechanism, it is a natural recurring product and as such would recur in the absence of prior structure. Any other system that depends on a genesis mechanism that is not inherent in the structure of matter is ultimately doomed to extinction. This does not mean that there are not other natural self realizing existential structures, in fact I would guess that many different modes could arise and to say they might be alien is an understatement. If one were to expect to only encounter carbon or even molecule based organisms that have bilateral symmetry as well as parallax [ sense - emit ] pairing for planet surface navigation, you would likely be disappointed, IMHO.
So Monty Python could be correct, the parrot isn't really dead, it is merely dormant until the universe resolves that pattern again and again. And perhaps in some iteration it is pining for the fjords.
A hollow voice says "Kirchoff's Current Law", and then this appears.....
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