Darkness of light

It seems that the biggest problem with data from NASA and other sources is getting "data" and not an interpretation of the data. It is obvious that some of the data is incorrectly interpreted. If a system is employed where the data is linked to a method which performs the analysis, then a change in perspective or new information can be easily incorporated. As it stands they must be looking for job security by hiding the data and only making presumptions on the data and pretty pictures.

I have some new methods and it seems that by decoupling inertia that I can travel at velocities near C with extreme accelerations that would eventually make it possible to make trips to Mars or other planets in a matter of hours. I don't see how it would ever be possible to have "warp" or FTL drive. That puts stars too far away for now in a physical sense.

I have a new video analysis tool that I created today and it has probably been done by somebody already, but here is what it does. By converting an image to shades of gray and then giving each dot a "normal" vector and then "raining" on it, I end up with a vector diagram of flow which I can find derivatives of or use in other ways. By "raining" on it, I mean that I place a count on a dot and then transfer that amount based on the slope of the dot with respect to its neighbors. Over time the dots accumulate counts based on the number of "rain drops" that flow across them or settle there in the case of a circular minimum. Otherwise it shows peaks and valleys in a way I had not developed before.



Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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