I am a clock! Locate the mouse over the word 'Link' above to start! do you see me?
The point is to test javascripts for my WebGL implementation of the "protein solving" game.
<script src="http://sites.google.com/site/moteyalpha/clock3-js/clock3.js"></script> <p><a onmouseover="initializeTime();return false" href="http://sites.google.com/site/moteyalpha/home"> This is using a remote .js</a>.</p> <p>I am a clock! </p><div id="DivId">Mouse over the link to start! </div> <p>do you see me?</p> <hr/> <p>Test javascripts for my WebGL implementation of the "protein solving" game.</p>
function initializeTime(){ var today=new Date(); var h=today.getHours(); var m=today.getMinutes(); var s=today.getSeconds(); m=neatSpacing(m); s=neatSpacing(s); document.getElementById('DivId').innerHTML=h+":"+m+":"+s; t=setTimeout('initializeTime()',500); } function neatSpacing(i) {if (i<10) { i="0" + i; }return i;}
The first call to the function "initializeTime()" sets a timeout of 500 milliseconds and thereafter continuously refreshes itself on the timeout. "neatSpacing(i)" just makes the clock not go jiggy on numbers less than 10, purely cosmetic. I could use onload to start the process, but this is a blog and I don't want to dig that deep today. I will establish a standard onLoad event that contains all the things I need to initialize for WebGl tests.
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