I like Net Beans and though I dislike IDE's in general as being "too" helpful, I think this software finds that sweet spot between leading you where it thinks you should go and the undiscovered country which is creative implementations. I like it and will use it to investigate the many Java applications. Java is another language and many things are only presented in Java, so I must learn. It is like a scholar of ancient works, you have to know Greek, Egyptian, Sanskrit, Chinese, German, Latin, French and all other languages to consider the ideas presented by those speakers and I do see that some ideas are only expressed with Java and that is the gain. No pain, no gain.
The generalized concept of an "^[i][n][f][i][n][e]$" computer is that it operates on infinites and ultimately reaches a certain level of acceptable certainty. I expect to use Net Beans to write a Java program that is an IDE to the ^[i][n][f][i][n][e]$ and then use that IDE to make programs for the device. Moteyalpha, him like recursion what is profitable. I suppose somebody has already chosen the name infine for something else and so I will Google now and I was correct in that assumption. I makes no difference as I am not using it in a commercial context. It describes the idea well and so I shall apply that name in my context.
Though people use names for advertising that are catchy and represent the intent of the sellers, an Infinity car is not likely to have anything to do with infinity at all, as do many advertising symbols. I sure wish I could buy a Quasar that was a real quasar, but they just use the name inappropriately to enhance image and association. I suppose I could call it slime and that would be just as well for me, but the name will be ^[i][n][f][i][n][e]$ as it is descriptive and if it conflicts with copyrights and trademarks, I will refer them to my lawyers at the home world of the Gravity Gilde. I see that virtually every permutation of every word that has any significance whatsoever is applied somewhere on the web. I think I will trademark the name
`cat internet |grep -E '^[i][n][f][i][n][e]$'`
then if anybody uses that regular expression in a shell script, I will Sue! or Shirley or Samantha or any number of girls names starting with the letter S.
In the process of looking around I did find the UNIX Grymoire and that was interesting. Perhaps I could use the Shasum of a file containing ^[i][n][f][i][n][e]$ as the word itself? The cac55d48d8299dbc07a7cbaedf0671857f1d50e9 is an interesting device. As odd as that is, I think it makes sense as I can have unique identifiers for concepts and names that never conflict when I am analyzing something. The clarity of what I express would then not be ambiguous. I would of course have to get used to it. So the new name is
and it is pronounced
or better still
`shasum -a 512 infine>sha.txt;espeak -f sha.txt`
Odd thought, is there a shasum that is 0? I will have to investigate that. Now if only it would tell me what I am intending to do before I got distracted.
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