Articulating Interconnections (AI)

This is the file ""

Below is the file which is used as input for the graphviz generator. It is the output of the code generator and represents an internal relationship of parts. The image is the visual product file.

This is the file "graph.viz"

graph G { edge [len=2]; State1 -- State2 [label="Method 1"]; State1 -- State3 [label="Method 4"]; State1 -- State4 [label="Method 5"]; State4 -- State5 [label="Method 6"]; State8 -- State7 [label="Method 7"]; State4 -- State8 [label="Method 8"]; State9 -- State10 [label="Method 9"]; State8 -- State9 [label="Method 10"]; State8 -- State1 [label="Method 11"]; }

To put it all together: here is the command line that uses the input file and generates the output file from the relationships.

dot -Tps graph.viz -o

To perform a test it only requires you to run the shell script above after creating the graph file and it will create the post script output. In my case, the program generator creates the "graph.viz" file from its tree information and executes `dot` to generate the image reference of the structure of a decision. This is very rudimentary and I have devised a method to articulate the product in 3D, and even nD by rotating through the factorial interaction of dimensions to view a different aspect of the associative structure. Here is something I am investigating today in neural nets at "ai-junkie". I am sure I will learn something new. I have several relationships which are incomplete in my coherent understanding of the entire process of intelligence articulation , however I know the "shape of the information" in several dimensions and will soon find it.

One 3D method possible for code relationships. I find this interesting as I can use it to discover some dependency relationships that I wonder about.

Thu Dec 31 09:30 AM$ ./ -i /usr/include HelloMe.c> Thu Dec 31 09:30 AM$ cat | springgraph -s 1 >spring.png

Some astounding PovRay images.



Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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