Sorry CSN and Y

GATTACA from the porch.

1    2
My   CAT -1
1  2 
Is a     -2
1  2
very     -3
1  2
very     -4
1  2
very     -5
1    2
fine CAT -6

1     2    3     4  5   6 
With  no   genes of the bard    -1

1     2    3     4  5   6 
Life  used to    be so  tard    -2

There are interesting things that allow you to temporarily perceive the pattern and patter of something by providing a key to what you should be expecting and then the information is revealed and again hidden to be revealed again and again with the same sequence. An odd condition of the mind where a piece of information can be completely empty by itself and forms when in context. Strangely it is -never- possible to see the complete relationship outside the context with only the simpler key. I think this has an interesting parallel in public and private keys and thus crypto.

My real question is whether this is the cognitive displacement of a 2x6 matrix in rhyme?


Paul Mohr said...

For those not old enough to remember or out of country, CSNY is Crosby Still Nash and Young. The song goes , "My house is a very very very fine house, with two cat in the yard, life used to be so hard". Which makes no sense really in my opinion, any more than what I said. I also found a longitude and latitude sequence buried in a Rolling Stones song that seemed oddly folded into the structure of the music.

Alice Infinity said...

The song is "Our House" and the lyrics can easily be found on the internet.

"Our house is a very, very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard"

So you can't get everything right either. It is no wonder I have code flaws.


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