Here is a new method that I created AFAIK. It is shown in the steps of the images.
- Create oval
- Create second oval
- Mask a hole in first oval ("ctrl and - " shortcut)
- Duplicate
- group
- Rinse and repeat :)
This allows the quick animation of the eyes and other parts of the face and it can be easily found in the XML by a program and modified and then presented as animation. The use of "page up" and "page down" keys allows the eyes to be located behind the eye hole. This is similar to something done with a child's games and seems an easy technique to create images that can be easily changed for a specific configuration.
As can be seen by the selected areas, a handle is produced with a name on it to allow a simple select and move to change the expression of eyes and other attributes of the face for cartoons or whatever your purpose might be. You can click on the images for a closer view of how it was done.
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