Black hole moles

This particular image is an FFT across the image left to right such that higher frequency is right on the transform image. It is remarkable how specific and isolated different images become when multiple transform methods are intersected. At the moment I am considering the vector cross product of an FFT horizontally and an FFT vertically as well as the FFT2 cross product.

A black hole consumes all matter, but does it spit out dark matter then? The rhythmic circadian Fourier of equinox has knocked on the door of the mind of a fungus as well as the insect kingdom.

The various transforms of constructed images using ImageMagick is also very informative. The images themselves may be of many different fonts, but the transforms only show the relationships in a vast array of unnamed dimensions. There are eyes that see in the dark reaches of transform space and burrow in the non-space of the holy dark. Oh the infinities, piling high weigh less than zero and so do not encumber me.

Black market dark matter

UC Davis has an article on applications of the Fourier which is informative.

I have been testing transforms on audio and images using various transforms including the Fourier harmonic, vector, triangular or Heaviside like effects as well as combinations of those. It suggests an interesting thing. It would seem that it would be possible to define a transform that was the visual or sense cortex ( even a mind transform, though very complex to something like 1040 ) and create a matrix that was the sub set of all possible transforms that is human or creature perception. There is a true infinity of possible transforms and a set of meaningful transforms within that as well as a much smaller set of useful transforms. It is the extraction of information from the vast possibilities. No creature computes all possible data relationships in a set, but only those that are useful in context for survival. It is obvious that in that there would be many visual states that would result in anomalous recognition.

When the same concept is applied to AI in the real world relationships, some very odd simple sets result.

Some universal life answers are resolving and I am looking for a means to verify what I suspect is the alternate global life paradigm which dominates. The structure and form of the known universe implies certain sustainable modes and this the definition of what is observed. That which remains viable for the longest period or is most oft recursed becomes the scenery of the universe. It is so in any system of matter.

I have seen it reported that very few people really understand math and this leads me to believe that they cannot properly resolve the state of the universe. Math tools do provide one window on the structures, but it is not the only one. It would be difficult to say which perspective is absolutely valid, as the absolute resolution is a true infinite. Perhaps the perspective I seek is not the perfection of omniscience, but rather the same transform in reverse that is the universe itself where I might surf about the statistical mean while retaining the cumulative structure within the natural harmonies.

The janitors at LHC were getting worried that if the Piggs boson was discovered they would lose their jobs. If there are no more neutrino splatters on the walls that need to be cleaned off, they will certainly get the boot. They decided to use the collider to generate dark matter and sell it as currency like gold, since it has that same property of being untarnished by other matter. It is also useful in gravity guns and General Products' #4 hulls. They are doing so well that they may have an IPO of a dark matter company.

The image on the lower right is part of what I call the Unified Thread Theory or the TOE ( Theory Of Every bolt ). It is part of experiments in machine recognition. Proper lighting as well as methods that are similar to movies like green screen are useful to reduce the computational burden. If it turns out to be 1 color instead of a shaded surface, the transforms are definitely more localized in context.

A real gravity gun

Thanks to the gravity gun blog ( and Valve Half Life indirectly ) I have an obj file and blueprint of a pretend gravity gun. What I have realized from studying gravity is that if you can detect it, you can control it. Observing light comes before controlling light and it seems to follow fairly obviously that gravity can be controlled very precisely. I don't know how many times I have dealt with science fiction and decided the concepts were absurd impossibilities, only to find that it is just a matter of time and if it is something that is useful and cool, it will most likely get done eventually in some form. A sufficiently advanced technology would be perceived as possible if it can be observed. I need not know how, if I only know it is possible then I can avoid chasing wild impossible dreams. It may not come from zero point energy, but who really cares about the detail, as long as it does the job.

And here it is rendered with my wavefront obj code with the texture applied using the supplied texture "vt" coords. The texture is bound before mapping and it would seem that I could make an extension that used multiple textures.

The dark red queen speaks

As much as I enjoy complex electronic systems, I also enjoy the simplicity and low cost solutions to big questions. No matter may deny the charm of the dark star and no matter ( independent of its desires ) may choose to ignore her beckoning gestures. I could say

Σ.fΛ(x,y,z,t)(for ( a=n;a>0;a-Gt/a2 ){ (G/( d2+a2 ))/t })
or I could just say that the dark star speaks loudly in time and though its voice is nearly lost in the cacophony of motion, it does whisper against the wall of co-moving time.

The ascending princesses of time sing a song that speaks of ages past as well as the time of their lives and birth.

This has to do with a dream that has haunted me for more than a decade. It is an image that is something I understand, but could not place its significance in the grand scheme of things until now. It has to do with expressing things which have no previous name or association. It relates to a second device which still eludes my understanding of its significance. A simple minded cousin has a better view of the queen's antics. It does seem that there is a new type of telescope for matter and like the original form of a curved glass crystal or mirror, it is the first model of a device that tells the story long hidden. It speaks a deep dark secret, literally.

Something is very wrong with the current view of the universe in the large and perhaps this will tell me what the real relationship between the parts is. It does tell me precise distances of stars and galaxies in relationship to each other to as far as they can be seen. It removes the guess of position based on type and luminosity. Major changes are certainly in the works.

There is one dark queen that speaks with a voice so precise that it cannot be mistaken and if she is present in the big room, it is certain proof and the end of cosmic loneliness. The bell tolls the strokes of midnight and at its last chime the day will change.

Freedom smells like knowledge, Fear smells of ignorance

This test setup has been very effective. By isolating primitive functions as a set of selectable tests, it is possible to verify the action of the parts individually and determine where they conflict when combined. There is no mistaking the differences between the specific noises and they do resolve to some smaller vector set. They are unique when identified with SHASUM, but that gives no information about their character and association. I am reasonably certain that I have witnessed extremely complex interspecies communication. It is known that even on a cellular level, bacteria and fungi can communicate using chemical messengers. What I find interesting is that when you can isolate a sound by its character and consider it in context, it represents that unique situation and thus is communication. Simple expressions of dominance roars of animals may be understood, but there is much more going on there than most suspect. There was a movie about the "Beastmaster" and I think it was Arnie in that one, where he communicated or controlled animals.

It is assumed that a bird's song is just some arbitrary randomness. I really doubt that. The courtship of even a creature as small as an ant or spider is complex. Many animals do exhibit mimicry and it would seem reasonable that eventually urban creatures would begin to try what they see and retain that if it is useful. Perhaps the biggest hurdle is understanding those very complex issues of the mind "set".

In this case I am attempting to implement a transom transform. "A window above the data" in vector dimensions.

I did some investigating into planet hunters, but it seems that a simple Fourier of the data would reveal any harmonic patterns like a sun crossing and my time would be wasted looking for simple patterns in complex data.

There are some new sets that I wish to search in star data. Given that much of the universe's atoms have been recycled at least 4 times, there would be an atomic glow that is similar to the COBE. It would seem that if a survey was made of how many supernovas occurred in time t and it was extrapolated along with the planet data, it would seem there would be a very large number of clumpy things moving about in galaxies, as well as between them. It would likely follow something like diffusion as well as brownian motion to some extent. It would seem that that chaos might have some strange attractor. I have been working on a technique I developed years ago to identify the "snake in the grass" data in noisy signals. Much of it has to do with known sets. The data is not any more random than randoms in a computer. It originates from a physical system and not all things are possible. It may be complex, but it isn't without form. There are only so many different types of atoms and though the factorial is huge, the combinations of harmonic absorption, refraction, reflection, and emission are limited. In addition they are limited in proportion by the process of the universe and also limited by electric fields, magnetic fields, illumination, light pressure, charge distribution and gravity. Not a simple pattern, but one which has an underlying form and thus progression.

The city scape on the top left and the spectrogram on the right originate is vastly different contexts, and yet there is a correlation between them. What is really odd is that the one on the right is the Dr Who theme song. I was consider how sound spectrograms might be used to draw pictures or even as SVG. I would think that anything which could be drawn, would have a corresponding sound in gray. Interesting thought, perhaps my next test will be to perform a reverse Fourier on various images and observe what they sound like. It would seem that I could create easily decipherable secret written messages in a really odd melody.

An odd thought is that data sets have some hidden associations and wouldn't it be odd if the FFT of some copyrighted code was in fact another copyrighted image. It would seem that certain transforms would describe the relationship of many different copyrighted entities. In the same way that a sound might recall an emotion, a sound might actually represent an image in transform. I was wondering if exhibiting the FFT spectrogram of a copyrighted sound could be considered publishing that sound. If it were not the case, then if I create a transform of a copyrighted set, then it could be distributed legally. The problem arises from the similarity of sets in transform. If one set can be shown to be a specific logical transform of another and the transform itself is patented in its method, it would seem that there is a conflicting state of ownership involved. I find it bizarre that one could claim ownership of a data set in this complex age, but then it serves to generate tax in the form of commerce and so suits the purpose of government. It allows collecting taxes on something which does not have any value in a physical sense. If the cost of production is virtually zero, that is the highest point of profit and the greatest return on investment. It makes no difference if the concept is sketchy or even paradoxical and impossible. It serves the state and as such it will be enforced for their gain and continuation above the interests of individuals.

The second harmony of systems

In this analysis I am doing a second FFT against the FFT of a voice. The second analysis extracts resonant patterns in the frequencies that represent the underlying physical system. In this case it is a variable size resonant chamber. It is possible to extract attributes like lung capacity as well as the characteristic chamber properties of the speaker. In the case of molecules it would seem that it would be a clear set of lines that represent the harmonies of (n)h/2Π

It would seem that there are many other transforms that would imitate the underlying structure. It would seem that I could perform a type of reverse Navier-Stokes in the same way as a Fourier frequency domain analysis. It would also seem reasonable to assume that a transform should match the object data. A normal star, as well as a neutron star, would be a spherical resonant structure and it might be informative to look at the second Fourier of its output as an indicator.

This structure of OpenGL with Xwindows and Linux libraries has been very useful. It isn't necessary to do all the things from scratch each time I test a new method. The libraries available for Linux have improved dramatically over the years in speed, coverage, utility, documentation and ease of use, as well as integration.

holy holy GRAIL

I am not sure if they are hiding something or simply don't understand what they have done. This is a link to GRAIL, but I am absolutely certain that there is a side effect that is far more important than moon dust. Unless somebody has changed the laws of the universe while I was asleep, there is no doubt that a specific effect is observed only when there is a communicating binocular gravity sensor. I don't see any reason why they might conceal their secondary intent, but I am not them. Perhaps they don't really know what they have done. Perhaps they will get some funny readings and then try to figure out why. I already know the why, but do they? That makes me a bit sad if they aren't at least suspicious of what is about to happen. I suppose there are so many thing in the universe that everybody is bound to miss some of them. It is said that physics is not just hard, but NP-hard.

The vector key to time

It does seem that all matter resolves to a single set of equations that describe the basic number system of the universe. Like a system of counting numbers, it can be applied in infinite ways and to say that it is completely known because the base principle is known, is hubris to the infinite power. It does give an advantage over not knowing, however.

There was an episode of Dr Who, back when it was Tom Baker playing the role, about the key of time. It is interesting to speculate on the nature of the universe in fiction or dreams.

The biggest problem with fiction is the expression of something that is more fantastic than what is possible with actual existing methods. The combination of technologies allows me to do things that even in my clumsy Monte Carlo way, are more entertaining and in the end useful as well as real. When I was a child with a chemistry set, I used to mix the chemicals at random imagining that I might create Flubber or an invisibility cloak. The difference now is that I can mix things in a sensible way using the tools that I have. I doubt that Flubber is on the menu, but then that is some artist's vision of science as sport, sexual and genetic dominance, as well as self aggrandizement. The fractioning of what barely serves as entertainment does provide some entertainment itself. It can be modeled for characteristics like which instruments are used for which mood push, the sexual interplay, lighting, sets, continuity, and sub voice variance as well as body language. I have really gotten irritated by laugh tracks because it grates on me. Like somebody poking me in the same spot, over and over. I can remember the sequence and it is the very same laugh sequence by the very same person, like the oft reused Wilhelm scream. I was surprised it was used in Star Wars,as I did not know that.

The key of vector time poses as the key to that dark Schwarzschild boundary excursion which most certainly will be some real entertainment. In my gedanken universe there are running themes to the show and perhaps I should create an AI that generates new music every day as the intro so it doesn't grate on me. Each atom and neutron has a voice and the song they sing has more than 2 verses. The mood of a neutron, that sounds like the basis for a new motey gedanken episode.


Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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