Young electrons in love

There is an unusual thing about Bremsstrahlung and pair creation which implies that the actual age of all electrons in the universe could be inferred. I was planning to cover vectors and matrices as well as their normals in n-space transforms, but I was side tracked by something unusual. A blast from the past and Mesa OpenGL and assert(0). I have seen some discussion of this on the web and any that I have seen is wrong. It arose when I selected a color for one end point of a line and not the other within a glBegin..glEnd block. I looked at the code in "vbo_exec_draw.c" and it does follow that this would happen.

I was knee deep in matrix transforms with orthogonal transforms and polygon moderators while also thinking about "young electrons in love" and though I enjoy complexity, the factorial combination of the three events may have caused me to have an assert(lifetime-computable) exception.

The image is the beginnings of a matrix transform in n-space which has to do with transverse relativity and I am just using old methods to jump to the next level of representation without confusing myself more than necessary. WYSINWIS ( What you see is not what I see ) because there are lossy transforms between here and the presentation of images. In the study of JPEG, it was obvious that loss can accumulate , depending on the way the images are handled. It just adds more complexity and though I enjoy something that is a challenge, 216 factorial complexity is not fun for me. The next step is to apply recursion to the necessary transforms of the matrix and separate to only the pertinent information.

An interesting thing occurred to me and I will probably do something with it. Alice Infinity gets the same spam as I do and it can be determined that if I receive the same content , it is most likely just junk. I am sure that Alice Infinity has no need for male enhancement or even female enhancement and would not be interested in retirement accounts. It could be said that if many vectors intersects two distinct points in space, they are either perfect matches or originating from the NULL vector. It isn't worth the effort to isolate or even check for the perfect vector, because I already know it, so parallels will come from the NULL vector and get dumped. I am sure that Google uses this technique as one of its front ends, but sometimes things slip through. Strange, how so many things can be considered matrices in one way or another.

This is generally what I expected to see before I was interrupted by assert(0). This applies a trigonometric function along the vector between objects on right angles to the line at the poles. It represents the rudimentary fields and after I apply time1 and time2 as well as the vector space it may help to understand what happens when the model system is subjected to various fields and conditions. As always, the lossy compression between the original and does no justice to the original. I am not so sure I like the idea of a camera modifying the image before I see it and then having further modifications along the way until the actual data is degraded to a point that it doesn't really represent the conditions at the origin. If it is all oriented toward the lack of human visual capacity, it is scientifically incorrect and only serves as weak entertainment and not information transfer.



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