It is only new once

"Stuck In Motion" is good art and actually very easy to produce the effect. It is very interesting the first time it is seen because it is different and also interesting. It seems to me that copyright is a way for companies to be lazy. I create new things every day and I could care less about what I or anybody else did yesterday. It is a moment gone and it is only the better application of knowledge that is worth even considering. I would bet that if Da vinci were alive, he would say of his own work, "I can do better than that" and then he would. In the case of "Stuck In Motion", I was considering it and realized that the concept could be extended in another unique and entertaining way. It depends on a very fast camera and a specific way of registering the motion. It is different and new, and I would suspect that even more innovation is possible and why is it that somebody should feel that a decaying work should be considered ever new. When things changed slowly I could see that things might remain fresh longer, but now, it changes by the nanosecond and the definition of new has a new scale.



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