Comoving copyright

SETI is looking into Kepler-22b for signs of life. I have already done that and it seems that they are broadcasting episodes of "Mickly Mouse" as well as a movie called "Star Clashes" and a show that has been on for 20,000 years called "Dr When" , about a lonely time traveler. It seems to me that if they devised this material more than 600 years ago, then this is prior art. If physicists are correct about quantum entanglement, they probably have a quantum entangled defense system that changes state when viewed, so they know if they have been discovered. Along with FTL , I suppose they will be coming to collect royalties on "Mickly Mouse". As the term implies "Royal"ties, it is a sovereign payment to the most powerful, and if they make a collection call, I don't think there will be much negotiation. I look forward to crappy reruns from billions of years ago in a galaxy far far away....



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