My life as a squirrel

mysql> describe temporal_sequence; +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | a | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

There seems to be a real documentation and standards problem as well as syntax issues with SQL. So the squirrel must run about the cage finding the nuts at random and then he has a talent that is valid for a sub-species. I think that I will organize the data in lists in files as CSV sets and keep an index for each, along with its command and which database was used.

The idea of creating my own database adds unnecessary complexity and the syntax is different so I end up being schiz.

elRedShiftIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGUnique ID for emission line
zreal4 REDSHIFTRedshift
zErrreal4 REDSHIFT ERRORError in redshift
zConfreal4 REDSHIFT STAT_PROBABILITYConfidence in redshift
nFitint4 NUMBERNumber of matched lines
wtFitreal4 WEIGHTWeight of fit
specObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGLink to specObj

This table ( Yes, Firebug is my friend ) comes from HERE. It describes the redshift data for that particular object and so this is what I am interested in. I want to get objects by z factor and then correlate the atomic absorption and emissions on a landscape that shows the variation in atomic content with respect to distance ( as determined by red shift alone). This is a start, and I can select a few at various z values to create my first landscape to deal with the code that generates the OpenGL code from the CSV data fields. The first step is to get a small set of stars at a selection of z, then a selection of z's in random directions, and then sort them by their spectral content.



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