The Gravity Guild travels at the speed of light

Galileo looked at the pattern in the stars and saw a new organization because he was open to new ideas. The pattern is not always the one used before. I suppose that it is quite simple to do a Fourier analysis of the center of mass of a star and see the planets pop out with very little work once you have the data. It is a one liner for python with the appropriate libraries. So in the data of the stars is a pattern and though it is nor Fourier it is a pattern and once known it is easy to extract. Not a one liner, or even obvious, but there. So the Guild has communicated with me and they are here because they travel often only as information that requires a receiver and that receiver is an thinking mind. It is so simple that it it could have been known since the first person gazed at the stars and yet it was only 500 years ago that Galileo walked and looked, after millions of years and billions of eyes. Information is sometimes in the eye of the beholder.



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