Tred -lightly- on conservation of energy

Light is changed in direction and energy by its interaction with matter. Thus, matter is changed by its interaction with light. Conservation requires that light traveling with respect to mass must interact and that the interaction is conservative.

{Conservative system}
A material system of such a nature that after the system has undergone any series of changes, and been brought back in any manner to its original state, the whole work done by external agents on the system is equal to the whole work done by the system overcoming external forces.
--James Clerk Maxwell.      

So for the sake of argument, Total luminosity is inversely proportional to the distance squared and corresponding frequency or E is inversely proportional to √distance. And the absorption lines of specific distances will follow a line down the shifting frequencies and the &Sigma E:f would necessarily be cumulative.

It isn't an equation as such. I tried doing this in blender to see what it looked like and it bogged down too much. I can do it with a simple program that has sources and then computes the spectrum at a specific location.This is more like what I would expect from a scientific representation of the universe. Instead of saying that v and D are related by Ho, I can say that I have an algorithm that takes a three dimensional array of matter and spectral sources of specific class ( thus curve ) and applies a transform that represents the observed product at any given point.

It matters not whether it is called Hubble's constant or any other name. The procedure could be called foo() just as well, so long as the name is unique within the context and scope of the object or program.

The patent office has caved to the mighty power of Google's engine and even though Galaxy Zoo is a neat concept that would have been really catchy in the 60's, Now it is a testament to the temporal drift of NASA. Tang is not available any more and there is a reason for that. Give Google the data and let them give you an answer. The concept "find similar images" seems somewhat familiar to me.

I would rather look at the source of a program and offer a diff and patch to whoever is committing the changes and let the product call the winner. If the resultant is divergent over a small ( Haar-like ) section then it is discarded. It is open source science at its best. The sad part is that countries should have cooperated in this way 50 years ago and it takes a company like Google, software like GNU/Linux, and projects like Wikipedia to show what can be done when people cooperate and coordinate.

In a P2P environment, like BitTorrent or various other protocols, it is possible to assign a node of computation to every coordinating P2P address based on its computational capability. Like a Beowulf cluster. If a star is variable with period t and I am a node on a coordinated matrix, then the function light(x,y,z,time,freq){} is the data provided by my IP to a composite. Without having the capability to compute the entire universe, I could traverse a path and define one single element of that path and accumulate it at one central point. ArcSecond/FLOPs. It seems to me that partitioning space as is very similar to x:y:z:t.f and if IPV6 is used it is x:y:z:t:a:b.f and can define a set of algorithms that modify the data. It is a TSP and factorial issue. Governments and companies do not want P2P as it makes it impossible to regulate, and this is a foreshadowing of the problem of government in 3 space. It is possible to color a map in 4 colors and execute a pincer movement in 2 dimensions, but in space the color theorem falls to disarray and pincer movements become oily ball bearing problems.



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