This is very neat as this is exactly what I wanted. I wanted to mix and calculate with the imaginary and it requires the representation of variables in parts.
Something generated with blender.
The snap is a 2x2 matrix and solved with a vector and so Ax=b. An odd thing that I ran into is that Gauss or somebody of that stature wrote a manuscript complaining that x should not be used as the symbol for multiplication as it overloads x as the unknown and creates confusion. At least I am in good company when I moan about symbol overloading and the confusion it can create.
I was testing this program ( extcalc in the debian ) and it has lots of promise. I wanted to make my own calculator that implemented matrix generation and analysis for the sake of graphs and circuit analysis and whatever.
It is a useful base tool but has some SIGSEGV issues in the corner cases. It is BETA. I will get the source and see if it can be made to integrate with Python, Blender and my other utilities. I specifically wanted to examine n-dimensional matrices of graphs like Kirchoff circuits and determine some principles for compressible space or systems. The idea that a node has in=out implies a lack of compressibility, which is not true in real systems. There is always something going on and the generalized formulas can lead to situations that are unexpected. A capacitor stores e- and so is compressible in a sense. I wanted to integrate some functions as elements of matrices in time and state. By using a series of matrices like a Markov matrix which describes the equal distribution of charge by voltage, I would hope to get some insight into higher dimensional flux and what it might represent.
I was looking at the pigeon hole principle and the extensions to infinite sets and I think I see why it seems paradoxical to me, because it is and that is known. Infinity is not a real thing and so it could never be tested. The analysis of relative infinities is done within the scope of a specific aspect and so it seems that it can be characterized in relative terms in many ways.
motey-$ concalc "bin0001|bin1101" 13 motey-$ concalc "sin(pi/4)" 0.707106781186547524 motey-$ concalc "(1+1/1000)^1000" 2.71692393223589258
And some examples of the shell utilities that are available with concalc. This will be useful in shell scripts. Below is an octave example of a Wheatstone bridge done with a matrix. I have done these in my head usually. Notice that the matrix operator is \.
octave:1> A=[300,100,150;100,650,-300;-150,300,-450] A = 300 100 150 100 650 -300 -150 300 -450 octave:2> b=[0;0;-10] b = 0 0 -10 octave:3> x=A\b x = -0.039080 0.032184 0.056705 octave:4> AU=triu(A) AU = 300 100 150 0 650 -300 0 0 -450 octave:5> AL=tril(A) AL = 300 0 0 100 650 0 -150 300 -450
SO... that is the Ax=b of that matrix. It is like having the mind of Gauss in software.
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