Faster than light. I happened on a relationship of many dimensions that implies FTL. Like many things that I look for, it is just a glimmer that holds some promise. I am blogging so I can remember what I was considering and just writing about it makes it easier to remember all the parts that are involved. There is a certain signal it would produce when operating, I speculate, and that it could have a correlation with some observed abnormal data. I wish I had time to look at the data. At the moment is very little more than a guess, but some of my best inventions have come from wild guesses. It also is the source of many frustrating hours of investigating something that turns out to be utterly wrong.

I was also thinking about the cycles of the sun and the fact that it seems to be at a sun spot minimum of some sorts. I wonder why , IF, there is a common cycle to be determined from the sun that they don't look at the vast data base, instead of using the one example. It seems to me that if you have the data of a billion billion stars streaming into the Hubble and other telescopes, it would seem to be a simple data massage to plot the series of the stars and see which is variable at what cycles. It is 1020 samples over a shorter time frame, but would give a better average of what to expect as far as the variability of the sequences that are close in size to sol.

Other G V stars include Alpha Centauri A, Tau Ceti, and 51 Pegasi

Wikipedia at the link has some very interesting data about the processes and emissions, along with some interesting correlations. The distribution of GRBs is interesting in its uniformity and assumed point of origin.

Interesting, I will have to look more into this.The forbidden 21-cm hydrogen line in radio astronomy allows very cold neutral hydrogen gas to be seen.



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