#!/usr/bin/octave -qf x=linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); y=sin(x) plot (x,y) print -deps plotsh.eps exit
The image was converted from the eps format with gimp and the script is chmod +x.
Octave seems a useful tool and I will use it as part of my tool set now. A simple example is at GNU
This plot dialog window is opened with menu element "plot" sub element "2D" and then "plot" in that third level of menu.
The same thing can be done with the qtoctave GUI. same values in the areas for x and y then click add button, select the graph by clicking on the item and click the ok button.
#!/usr/bin/octave -qf load xy.dat plot (x,y) pause print -deps plotsh.eps exit
This is the data file for this graph.
# Created by Octave 3.0.5, # name: __nargin__ # type: scalar 0 # name: x # type: matrix # rows: 1 # columns: 12 0 1 2 4 5 10 12 19 22 24 28 29 # name: y # type: matrix # rows: 1 # columns: 12 0 2 2 3 4 6 6 7 7 8 10 11
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