More dimensions

Here I have added dimensions and the ability to select a texture group and associate that in space with a projected image. I have also made a game world like SuperTuxKart, where tunnels are selectors in object association and property space. As an example I can enter an arena where all images in a certain scope are located and take a tunnel which selects only png format and in that arena select images of nature and in each arena is also the return tunnel that removes a certain restriction. Like Half Life, I can get out of the cart and adjust gate / tunnel parameters and thus select within different set attribute scales, such as a simple texture object screen of the data.I just thought of something, I could have a ray gun that tunnels into different attributes like Portal or Stargate that allows me to dissolve walls between sets. This could be fun and useful.

It is my intent to keep this completely compatible with KDE plasmoid widgets and WebGL, so that it can be a widget that can be attached to the KDE desktop. I am less familiar with Firefox add-ons and so I best study that now so that if there is a chance to make it compatible on all three fronts, then I will.

Some of my intent is to allow me to navigate directories in my backups and clean out duplicates to make the system run faster. Thus I am planning to add an option to allow me to do "shooting" from the vehicle that "kills" the files to the trashcan and then if I shoot the wrong thing, I can still recover the data. I am going to attempt to make data associations or dependencies observable in the file structure also.

There is just no way to take a 4 dimensional thing like the selection game and demonstrate it as a flat image or even a moving image. It is n-space and without some personal context as to which tunnels were taken, it is just tunnels.

As an aside, I do believe that video games that teach people to excel by not reflexively dodging moving objects directed at them is damaging to the survival of the person in a real world.

The sliding adjustment of n-dimensional space as tunnels or portals to object categories is a bit of a mind f4r in practice and reminds me of the first time I was in the "twisty little passages that all look alike" in the old text based Adventure game. XYZZY It has application for me in genetics, protein models, genotyping, universal construction, chemistry, information technology, networks, and particle or n-spacial physics also. It is perhaps the goal I was attempting to achieve all along with antfarmgl. It is informative and is bound to be lots of fun. Another thing now is to have sounds coming from the caves / tunnels / portals / that add additional imformation as you approach the gate. Oh my, I also decided I can change the textures around the gates to represent what is beyond, like hazard strips or little icons on the edges that represent the category shift. This is looking better all the time, I must complete this.

This is really going to be lots of fun as I can have a number on the tunnel that tells me how many objects are in the set that connects to that tunnel. (Later I thought I could make the tunnel size reflect the number of elements in that set.) It can also allow me to traverse my code that generates the system itself. Oh recursion, what a great technique, if nature weren't the first implementer of that in life, it would be one of those great technology algorithms.

This is another set that may show more effectively what is happening. I am also interacting this with gimp as a filter and so I can select with an object space with other gimp tools and move that back and forth to the n-D spaces. While looking at this I realized how to implement two more dimensions in the representation and also project the images in three dimensional relief.

This is fantastic and I don't even know how I got to this. I was trying to learn OpenGl 6 years ago and this would have been impossible. I have really learned and learned how to apply a lot of things in the last 8 years. This is some really strange stuff and when you start adding partial differentials and manifolds or even three space manifolds and matrix manipulations, it really gets spooky and IMHO very entertaining and informative. Looking at the internet with n-D glasses is very entertaining and informative, in fact, more fun than I have had with Portal, HalfLife and Fear combined. This is definitely way beyond the representation of ontologies and associations. It reveals some relationships of information that has never been represented before. Spreadsheets and graphs are neat images, but they express so little of the infinite interaction of object ,variable and property space. I just thought about making bots that roam around in the n-space in carts also and they could be driven by my meta code generator to have "personalities" and skill sets. That would be so odd. I can move about in n-space and see the bots searching for something to use to extend themselves. I think I will try and finish this tonight to a stand alone application as it would be way too entertaining and certainly would uncover some new techniques as I implement.

I am using images to represent the concept, but that is not all of what this does. The dimensions are boundless and they can be the dimension of user handles, IP address, physical location, DNA, speech pattern, homonyms, are actually any attribute which can be applied to any set of data. In conjunction with the "elvi", which I use as a generic term for my utilities which can search the Internet, it creates an infinitely dimensional space that flows in time and is like the chaos that is infinite possibility and yet there is a way to traverse the spaces and get meaning from the massive amounts of unconnected data. I want to run this against the Hubble telescope data ( for one ) and see what drops out.



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