Connecting NFS on LAN

DISCLAIMER: This is just for reference and it only applies to Linux and also if you have no clue what will happen then don't do this stuff. Particularly do not try the Hostess™ cupcake maneuver as it is requires a certified IQ of less than 70.

1. Needed ( some are just things I use like wireshark, whois ) utilities to add.

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server sudo apt-get install nfs-common sudo apt-get install nmap sudo apt-get install whois sudo apt-get install wireshark sudo apt-get install kdenetwork-filesharing sudo apt-get install libsmbclient sudo apt-get install samba sudo apt-get install smbclient

2. Discovery.

sudo nmap -sS arp -a ifconfig -a whois

3. Test connection.
Need to know user name on machine on the network
Need to know password for user, ( mine is likeimthatstupid)
Need to know how to type commands (punch plastic shapes)
Need to know what commands to type ( ls, pwd, exit,...)
Below the question mark is replaced by a number between 0 and 255. As far as 192.168.1, that part depends on how you are routed and connected which affects discovery using nmap. I just use the nmap with because it takes time and I could scan 192.168.. (`man nmap`) but it is a time issue and I already know the architecture of connections and assignments like MAC IDs.

ssh -l username 192.168.1.?

Part of the login MOTD (kind of)
MOTD=Message of the Day (sometimes Motto of the Day),.

To access official Gravity Guild documentation, please visit: System information as of Thu Jan 21 09:41:28 CST 2010 System load: 0.22 Swap usage: 4% Users logged in: 114 Usage of /: 9.1% of 72040.53GB Temperature: 6000 C Memory usage: 34% Processes: 157B

4. Resource create.

mkdir nfs_share

Then use magic spell 143. Click on file and set sharing using command XYZZY or plover or IDKFA or maybe JustF5gGoogleIt or RTFM.

An alternate method is to go to the store and buy a package of Hostess brand cupcakes and shove them all in your mouth at the same time then try to chug a can of Mountain Dew. Works for me, but you must have certified network training. Prerequisite dependencies is a friend who is willing to perform Heimlich maneuver or call 911 or notify next of kin.

KDE4 is a winner and I wouldn't care if it was ugly and buggy as it feeds XKCD to the desktop as a widget and what else could a person need? There are priorities in this world.

5. More discovery. BTW the grep exclusion (-v) is just to skip lines with comments at the beginning and still shows other lines with # embedded. "-vE" options is respectively exclude and use regular expression. "^" means 'start at beginning of line' , so the REGEX reads as the symbol # immediately after the beginning of the line in ASCII with 010 or 013 termination of last line. Hmmmm now that makes me wonder, does REGEX see CR and LF, both as EOL? So I investigated and `grep` interprets CR(013-0x0d) as "new line" and LF (010-0x0a), but the console handles it different. It makes for some interesting confusion when looking at the output. `kate` is liberal in its interpretation of EOL and accepts both, which is good, otherwise it would really look odd. There is a code EOF(SUB)?(0x1a) which I used in my OS to indicate EOF(SUB)? in ASCII files that really caused Windows™ to have fits and often ended in the BSOD( Blue Screen Of Death)™. It seems that 0x1a has taken a new meaning over time and I do not remember it being called "substitute" ever, but I could be confused with EBCDIC

cat /etc/exports | grep -vE '^#' rpcinfo -p | grep nfs

While playing with that issue I discovered the following neat things:

`man ascii`
`stty -a`

And this to export the shared directory so remote machine can read it.

sudo exportfs -a

And the client mount needs to have all the nfs utilities installed also! and then this in /etc/fstab or `mount (this)`. I just put it in fstab so it connects when I restart.

192.168.x.y:/home/username/nfs_share /home/otheruser/emptydir nfs rw 0 0



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