Intelligence at work

This at indexed is very insightful and funny too. I am trying to learn a few new things today about Open Office, moonlight, Silverlight, video encoding, and Google Docs. I had a dream about video encoding ( I know, who dreams about things like that?, well that is how I dream ( maybe I am a robot).) and I don't understand it, that means I will have the dream again and again until I get it. I think it is like a dolphin's brain, it never sleeps and its second brain thinks too, but differently and it becomes a communication and language problem. The best I can understand what mind2 was saying is that you select several videos and they become one and then select snapshots and they become part of the video. That is all symbolic from my past experience and it could relate to a series of computer instructions or a song for all I know, but mind2 will think of another analogy tonight and use that, eventually I will get it.



Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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