jehovah shows a beautiful and perfect balance of justice and mercy. those having the proper perspective of matters as revealed in his word will not commit the grave error of trifiling with his undeserved kindness or missing its purpose isa 55 8'9 ezek 18 25' 29-31 2 cor 6 : 1 heb 10 26-31 12:29
D loops maintain mitochondrial origins in the replication in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic replicons. Genes VII 13 7' 1-3 by Lewin, Published by Prentiss Hall Ignoring fact is more dangerous than ignoring opinions except when the people who have those opinions like to stone people who don't accept their opinion.
Fact is truth Which comes justly from the creator of truth opinions come from the opposer working in evry way it can against "he who is" "Make his name known" take the hit from the stone and your reward will be great.
jehovah shows a beautiful and perfect balance of justice and mercy. those having the proper perspective of matters as revealed in his word will not commit the grave error of trifiling with his undeserved kindness or missing its purpose isa 55 8'9 ezek 18 25' 29-31 2 cor 6 : 1 heb 10 26-31 12:29
D loops maintain mitochondrial origins in the replication in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic replicons. Genes VII 13 7' 1-3 by Lewin, Published by Prentiss Hall Ignoring fact is more dangerous than ignoring opinions except when the people who have those opinions like to stone people who don't accept their opinion.
Fact is truth Which comes justly from the creator of truth opinions come from the opposer working in evry way it can against "he who is" "Make his name known" take the hit from the stone and your reward will be great.
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