I bought a book that looked like this with a horse on the cover and I designed a new cover for me with GIMP, mainly because I am insane and also because I wanted to modify it further and use it as the desktop icon to the Device Driver Dev I am doing.
I will probably create a section in my own reference book catalogs and work through an entire device driver tonight to install it and control it. I have a NanoScope I Scanning Tunneling Microscope that I have modified and that will be the end interface point through an 82f51/8048 type flash microcontroller and another laptop that will be the intermediate device.
I also have a full tube of 1M flash bios chips that I use through a parallel interface that I designed to be similar to a nearCAM ( Content Addressable Memory ). I read the book when I first got it to get the general idea of device drivers and I have let it sink in a bit in context of Kernel hacking. I have made my own kernel several times and I think I have a fairly good general knowledge of all the tools ( GDB, emacs, vi, shell, built-ins, libraries, PERL, Python, 'c', gcc, make, cMake, jam, svn, SSH, TCP/IP, USB, ATT/Intel x86_64 assembly language, DDD, debian packaging, wiki, PHP, Apache, lisp, ada, config, ifup/down, serial RS232, CSMA, and bongo bingo (that is a ringer to see if you are paying attention ).
If you want to use the book on line here is the current link. I paid 39.95 +tax for the book and I think it is free to read on line, but I am not sure. Perhaps not, I think I got the free 45 day online with the book and signed up, then forgot when I started working on something else. So it is probably not free. It is a good book and seems to be well structured. I bet they know Zool.
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