Are many > few or one or = some

If math is derived from observation, then any proof of mathematics must reside in the physical world. Association of a character or word with the concept in question defines the beginning system. Few is not defined in a mathematical system, it and many things are defined within the context of a system or set of parts.

Ambiguity in language and communication can be more definite by increasing the degree of context. In order for a concept to be expressed it must be defined in terms of experience or relationship to an already defined concept.

By communicating and developing this way, the degree of confusion in the definition of concepts leads to conflict in what method is best to apply and trust.

The concept of equality is defined by a tautology 1 = 1 and thus the symbol = is defined as the relationship between objects which are identical in all aspects that are involved. By repetition with 2 = 2 and 3 = 3, the general case of experience can be communicated. In the definition of few, it is derived by the repetition in the environment of the observer and can be internally defined differently for each individual.

It is not surprising that ever person would have a different opinion of many, some and few. It is even less remarkable to see that any concept as complex as a social system would be in constant conflict considering that it would be developed by successive exposure to divergent information and examples.



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