Cut to the chase

So what is the result of what I see or understand of the universe. It is this. In a world of large complex structures there is ample room for abuse of that centralized power. In a world of relative equality there is no such opportunity. The accident is waiting to happen because some feel that they must control millions to serve their interests of power, glory, insanity, delusion, desire or whatever motivates them. The problem is that a tall tower is unstable in the winds of chaos and it always falls and who it falls on is just as random. If they are going to build towers let them live on Elba and if they fall then let them fall on their own heads. In a society where information and technology is shared without central constraint, everybody has the power of an emperor though they lack that ability to lord over others, it is a small price to pay for actual social and technological advancement.



Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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