Third life decay and the princess particle

I have been doing simple math review and I have been learning a lot actually. Even being pedantic, compulsive and meticulous, it seems that I am error prone, even so.
The snapshot is a question and I thought that I could just do this in my head and write down the answer and ignore the lesson until the reveal. What astounds me is that unfamiliar circumstances creates new errors to avoid. In this case, I read vector 2 as -7 ,1 ,-17 . Given the context that sevens are written with slash, I should not have assumed the end bracket to be a 7.When typeset it is quite different, "1>" "17".

Many things are simply convention and it surprises me that most cultures use the same mathematical conventions and symbols and yet have decided to have 8,000 different spoken or written languages. Perhaps the language itself may have some relationship with the physical form of brain and thus is impossible to translate perfectly, like the song of a robin. So, half-life decay is one of those conventions and I suppose it is as good as any, though decay to thirds could just as well have been used.

My main impetus in review is to get a new perspective on the princess of the wholly dark, and some insight is gained by looking at the methods used to describe space, time and matter. There is a thing there and I just don't know what to call it or how to describe it mathematically without inventing a new mathematical technique. The origins of integral Calculus give some hints.
A world was discovered that has existed for billions of years longer than Earth and is relatively close , astronomically, and I have to wonder what human culture would look like after a billion third life decays.

The princess hides many secrets and I discovered that if you rub fur on a glass rod, the demons stay in the fur, as it is an animal, and the angels move to the glass, which is pure and holy. If you bring them together, you can see them fight in the luminescent aether. I could be wrong though.



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