Pieces of Infinity

 Registration marks for calibration in the microscope.
 The cabinet where the replicator will be mounted with +-15 +-150 +-5 and isolation transformer with a 50 amp 110vac. Also a fire extinguisher, just in case I am not as good as I think I am.
 The material drawing tool against a millimeter scale.
 The drawing tool end on and it is .080 inch dia. with a 0.40 hole as well as a .040 feed hole. Also against mm scale in perspective.
 The stepper motors to be used with configurable I/O shown.
 One of the materials to be used is .010 inch diameter clear.

 This is it threaded in the drawing tool against mm scale again.
 The weight of the tool is 1 gram by the scale, which is important in computing mass, thermal conductivity and acceleration.
That is also .1 ounce, so I am guessing based on rounding factor that in fact it is about .5 grams.
 This is the USB to RS232 to RS485 interface board.
 This is the .010 material in the tool head with a double strand of .005 Kevlar, which serves to make the parts very strong in tension, but no great difference in compression.
 This is the end of the double thread Kevlar, and it can be seen that it is in fact 25 individual strands in each of the paired strands. This means that the Kevlar is about 0.0002 inch.
 This is the microscope that I used to count the threads in the Kevlar and for inspection of parts. The yellow spool is Kevlar thread.
So, as it is designed, the 3D printer should be able to register in space to .00002 inches and produce a hole with a diameter of 500 nanometers and a wall size of about 10 thousandths in the initial tests. The first items to be printed are parts for itself to increase accuracy and registration. It takes about 5 minutes to completely disassemble or assemble the unit so I hope to have some quick design turnarounds for the first few generations. Additional improvements should improve turnaround time to mere seconds as the parts become locking and the need for all the design bolts and set screws disappears. 
This is the gross thermal sensor and I have an integrated circuit temperature sensor as well.500 nanometers is all I wish to get out of this machine. If I wanted something smaller I would use the Atomics. At this time it does not seem useful to manufacture any mechanical system at an accuracy below a 0.0001 inch or 2.54 microns. Perhaps I will make a different design to manufacture at the level of endoplasmic reticulum. Mechanical principles do not hold true across scale and 1 micron and below physical structures act in ways and at speeds that are unsuited for static mechanical forming.
This is the smaller tip with a wire installed against a millimeter scale.
 This is against a registration tool with a registration tool as well as millimeter in the background.
 This is just the tip against the registration tool, which is 200 microns per hash mark.
 Same as above.



Automated Intelligence

Automated Intelligence
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