In depth light equations from Newton and Maxwell to the present

This is a place keeper and will be filled as I do the math and analysis of the phase velocity of Cherenkov( or Cerenkov, which is not how I learned it.) and make a determination about the coherence and thus the reliability or certainty of the conclusions and its extension.

To start with is the Smith-Purcell effect, which I have experimented with in my lab, however I took the experiment one step further. ( I called it the railroad tie train track gate and used it in many different ways with EM and RF) ( I also had one in the same vein which I call the "Ark of the Covenant", which was perhaps more interesting than FEL and used something quite a bit more elegant. ) That Smith-Purcell reference was just added to Wikipedia one month ago. The experiment was performed in 1953, which is before my time.( 1953 The American Physical Society ) PhysReview. I will have to look it up at the library as it is a pay per view on line.

It also relates to the Free Electron Laser, FEL. It is really stunning how much duplicate invention that I have done without knowing that this device existed. I am aware of some other things , but they will never be published I suspect. I need to do some deep research into what devices are available and which are installed at LHC. I see there are some cool devices that I would like to play with and I would guess that they either know what they are doing and misleading everybody or clueless. I must assume that it is simply obfuscation for the sake of power, position, and job security. It seems strange that the stereotypical physicist is the "absent minded professor" and would that be the kind of person that should be dealing with the most powerful technology in the world? "Oops, I forgot to close the door, now the world is doomed, silly me, I am so forgetful". I think it must be affectation.

I am not one who is big on conspiracy theories, but given the amount of power these things represent, it would be reasonable that representation of facts would be skewed at the behest of employing states. This is one of the problems with scientific information relating to physics. Sometimes people lie to cover up by order or personal motives. So it all has to be taken with a grain of salt unless it is an experiment that I have performed myself or been in somebody's lab using their equipment , which happens occasionally.

I wonder if anybody in physics knows all these things or whether it is as fragmented as C, Assembly, C++, Python, Perl and Java programmer knowledge. It is not reasonable to assume that anybody has a complete grasp of all these subjects as the amount of available data is astronomical and expanding exponentially.

I really need some better tools to scan for new web information or a couple extra brain cells.

Here is a link to some C code for waves for X systems so I will check that out as an exercise in C X11 and waves. And an interesting connection to lattice gauge theory, how odd.

PLOS is the Public Library of Science and there are many more. An interesting blog is The Language of Bad Physics.

Something from SA on flat universe and dark matter has relevance as it deals with a statistical analysis of pairs of galaxies and their red shifts , as well as spatial relationships. It is possible to pull what I want out of the SDSS, but I don't want to do that by hand. I would hope they may have a tool they use to sort and isolate the relevant parts. Perhaps I can piggyback on that set of data and measure the relative heavy atom content by interpolation.

So what I want is star data with frequencies with distance in the z-axis ( corrected for red shift or not ) , frequency on the x and intensity on the y, which would create a landscape which should show trends in various lines and artifacts that might be of interest. I suppose I can make a program to do that, but identifying the records and content seems to be the main issue at the moment. Where is the index (directory).

So what I want is a Relational Data Base that can be queried and displayed using existing graphic tools and I can't remember the good package that I blogged about. Internal Link 1. Internal link 2. Something close. Ahh, this is it at Ted Talks.

Finally, here is the interface. SDSS SkyServer in relational database format. So now all I have to do is figure out how to use the interface.[BINGO]



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