SciPy and Schroedinger's cat

This link at SciPy explains the FDTD plot. It is an interactive graph so it does not tell the whole story in 2D, it has to be tried. SciPy and Python are available as open source. An interesting demonstration and I will combine it with my other analysis to do LaGrange, and matrix tree factorial expansion of the interaction of matter systems in the atom and at the secondary boundary of a black hole. I doubt I will have access to a black hole to experiment with in the near future, but it is important to be prepared.

Pictures are nice for reference if people can get on the same page, so to speak, but otherwise it is not that helpful. I don't understand enough about quantum entanglement tele-portation to deny it absolutely, but I do know another way. Instant is a lot more fun, but somehow it seems too convenient. I know there is a rather odd edge in relativistic space interaction that practically defies discussion, but what is hiding there is still a mystery to me.

More information on FTDT at Wikipedia. Seems like a cool technique. Here is more on the Yee grid and Maxwell. This stuff looks very familiar and seems to be an analogous method of a technique that I use. Like everything that a person might do, it requires a familiarity with the terminology, the context of the symbols and some degree of application so it sinks in. The terminology is like pain, and until it is used in a real application it seems like Sanskrit. I think this is very much like what I just did with an elastic collision, in a way. Finite Difference ( δt) Time Domain (t). Of course, what I did is in a single dimension only. I use a different technique to deal with the higher dimensions. The terminology is becoming familiar and some of it is getting boring. I need some way to pep it up so I think I will graph it in blender as an animation using SciPy.

\begin{matrix} \nabla\times\stackrel{\rightarrow}E &&=&& -\mu\frac{\partial\stackrel{\rightarrow}H} {\partial t}\\ also\\ \nabla\times\stackrel{\rightarrow}H &&=& \sigma\stackrel{\rightarrow}E\ + &\epsilon\frac{\partial\stackrel{\rightarrow}E} {\partial t}\\ \end{matrix}

The LaTeX for Maxwell's Equations. Three constants mu, epsilon and sigma that are part of representing the vector differential of E and H with respect to change in time. Hmmm, I wonder what mu is? I could be enlightened by that. It seems to imply that the probability of vector H given vector E with v is 1. I am sure there is more to it than that and though it seems a good approximation, it fails to account for the infinities involved. Quantum mechanics is intended to fix that, but I feel there is a part missing. Space does get convolved in space and though the term is space-time continuum, that is a misnomer IMHO. What is in a name, whether i-hat or j-hat, it smells of imaginary space and hidden variables.

From what I have read, Maxwell had more fun with this stuff than people would have liked. It just wasn't Victorian enough. Maxwell's dæmon, now that is interesting.



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