It certainly is an extension to thought and expression. In the 1960's I used a slide rule and graph paper, created punch cards and ran a deck of cards against a computer as big as a house to model a spring. In microseconds seconds I can do that with GNU octave. I can do more in one day with my software, network of computers, and its link to the Internet than I could have done in 10 years. It is like being stupid at the speed of light.
It seems that it is possible to make something that extends that advantage again. I designed computer systems in the 1970's and wrote software to use them. It seems to me that from this vantage point it should be possible to multiply that 10,000:1 advantage. Parallelism and other methods of fabrication or scale is not the answer. It requires a turn in a new dimension and on to the nearest infinity. I can solve an equation that would have made a career and a book in the 1600's in a few nanoseconds. v-e+f=2 I use blender to convert and display millions of vertices, edges, and faces using matrix transforms done in a DRI interface to hardware. I have access to practically every library in the world. I wonder how Newton or Leibniz would have coped with that complexity.
octave:5> diary matrices.octave octave:6> A=[1,2,8;2,1,3] A = 1 2 8 2 1 3 octave:7> rref(A) ans = 1.00000 0.00000 -0.66667 0.00000 1.00000 4.33333 octave:7> plot(A)
"dict anachronism"
Anachronism \An*ach"ro*nism\, n. [Gr. 'anachronismo`s, fr. 'anachroni`zein to refer to a wrong time, to confound times; 'ana` + chro`nos time: cf. F. anachronisme.] A misplacing or error in the order of time; an error in chronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other, esp. one by which an event is placed too early; falsification of chronological relation. [1913 Webster]
It seems to me that if a structured interface were designed that emulated open source development , that it would be possible to establish a system that created that next leap. I am able to do many things and others are better than me and have a better grasp of their field of expertise. I spend a lot of time learning what many already know. It should be possible to establish an interface that allows me to apply my talent without duplication. I am sure that there are a few million people who understand matrix transforms and why would it be necessary to try and implement all in one. The Internet seems a chaotic implementation of that principle and what may be needed is simply a description of a framework and tools that integrates skill and need to a dimensional array of ability in such a way that it is self sustaining and extensible. That seems to be the correct approach at first glance. Looks like a design plan to me. I hope Skynet doesn't figure it out first.
I never read "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", but there are some very interesting concepts there. I read the synopsis at Wikipedia and the premise is a reasonable enough scenario. Somehow between 1966 and now, the message has been lost. That was 44 years ago.
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