It seems to me that a cloud of reflective particles could be projected to a Lagrangian Point and have a device which would focus the sun's light at objects near to Earth, like dwarf planets and the near areas to "illuminate" what is there.
It seems there is a very lot more information in star data than is extracted. Due to the fact that the light shifts in frequency as it moves across the universe, it gives a serious indicator of , not only absorption, but position as well. I had an ultraviolet catastrophe when I removed my tin foil sunglasses.
It seems that there would be some natural mirror effects from the boundaries, but that would not necessarily be true. Though we can see reflected light from the Earth on the moon.
Another thought I had is that we could use the sun's energy to burn a path through the space in front of a survey craft and then it could travel at near light speeds without the rather nasty effect of small things beings very destructive at relative velocities near C. Of course you want to survey it first with reflected light to identify the contents there more precisely.
None of that made a bit of sense. You can't "destroy" space, and even if you could it would take far more energy than you could get from a mirror focusing the sun.
Space is filled with trash and what I was suggesting is to clear the debris in the path so that collisions would not destroy a craft.
As far as focusing light on a position in space it would be no different than getting better contrast than could be achieved with illumination of the sun alone.
Additional illumination would allow the differentiation of what type of materials existed beyond the heliosphere by its absorption.
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