Blend the body electric["Cube"] print(e.color) print(e.location) print(e.matrix) print("ctrl space for command completion") print( from bpy import context f=open("/home/motey/dirbpy.txt","w") for x in dir(bpy): f.write(x+"\n") f.close print("script complete")

This is a script that I am using with blender. Because I am lazy and creative and the interface is subject to change, I am doing what I would do to "discover" the interface and then perform functions against it. It is one or two steps back from actually programming as I define the connection between information and methods and use cases.

By associating a complete description with each shorthand object it is easier to identify and differentiate changes. So long as it is simply a name change then it is as simple click connect in the game controller frame.

Discovery of the interface python commands, search of the source, web sites, code libraries or actually any source. The discovered data is then organized and identified by its type. The use of the information is through meta code and the meta code simply needs to connect with the object that it needs to operate upon. If there is a conflict or missing part then I would be required to determine a new decision algorithm. If I choose simple methods which are not likely to go away, but may have new access methods, I can avoid work later. It is not likely that a vertex could ever be defined without a location and so I am safe in modifying that property. Certainly the names could change from "Cube" or object.location[1], but it would no longer be blender if certain constraints did not exist. If I am also proactive for new features then it can be automatically skipped if it does not exist. It only requires that any method I apply be aware of its absolute dependencies and as such a method cannot be initiated if it does not have its dependency met.



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