Visual Neural Networks

This video about VisANT is where I start and I am integrating this knowledge with my other tools today. The image is from the software and this should look familiar to someone who is following the progress of antfarmgl. I have a distinct advantage over the implementers of this software as I can view molecules interacting at the atomic level and I have the equation of state for the universe and can predict the interaction of specific molecules precisely. This does not change the need to have a way to search analyze and predict using this information.

The code is Java and I assume open source, but I will see as I get the off line application. I already have a network tool, visualization tool and methods to analyze these interactions using various topological, statistical and logical methods. What I hope to gain is the method of interaction with the experimental data base of experiments already completed to verify that my application of the universal equation is correct.

The situation has become far too complex to simple state the relationships between what I learn, apply and extend. This is why I need WebGL and from there, WebAI. I would implement Alice Infinity as an interacting object, however without a WebGL framework it is a custom implementation and requires far too much work to maintain for the multitude of possible configurations. That must be done at the standards level and so I wait for WebGL to be commonly available.

Recent Java experience should help me make short work of this software and I can begin testing the data against a real experimental framework for verification.

If the software turns out to be proprietary I will drop it and give the task to my elvi.

This video is also interesting in this context and I gave up on VisANT as it is not well structured to be extensible and I have 99% of the stuff already and it is properly organized to port to Python, Java, WebGL and C, so I don't see any gain except the data base interaction and I will have fun figuring that out for myself.

Since I am also a programmer I can implement the methods which delay the process in assembly and include them as a linked or library function. I am using X86_64 and so this code is fairly (Well, actually deadly specific) specific to a machine architecture and would require some work to port properly to other architectures. It is just another tool in my toolbox and the synergy is where I gain the most. It is common knowledge in development that having 100 developers on a project probably slows the development more than it helps. I have developed many commercial softwares and I find that I can integrate a solution very quickly by myself with all the system knowledge, but it becomes unsupportable in practice.

Programming the lathe of life is a lofty goal, but what else is there to do? I already know the cake is a lie. And maybe the lie is a lie?

I modified the code for the blog XML to include this :  
( recursive self reference element )

.post pre { background: #dddded }

Which implements this style which I have decided I will use.

<style type="text/css">pre {background: #dddded}</style>

Implemented in the blog post with this structure.

<pre> <blockquote> Something preformatted with a border. </blockquote> </pre>

Perhaps I can do something more entertaining and implement an EPR gun that allows me to move from one protein interaction network to another through a generated worm hole in the fabric of logic. Might keep me from falling asleep in molecular genetics class.

Maybe the cup cake is a lie too?.



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