Toward a true Universal Modeling Language

Work In Progress

From my perspective there is a lower limit to all of this systems modeling. In the case of a CPU it is register+accumulator+ function=product. In the case of a person or manipulator an example might be toothpaste cap+toothpaste tube+skill to implement+mechanism= tube with cap. In an overall sense, the process is State + Method = Goal When it is defined in this way it seems more like human behavior as it requires a goal and the materials and methods to achieve that goal. I suppose what I am saying is that I favor bottom up design to top down design, because it deals with all the aspects as they arise, whether it is deadlock or ordering or dependency.

When approached from the top down, a system can have large areas of problems that are not discovered until the lowest level of design is attempted. This seems to be the nature of nano-technology itself. From a distance it seems desirable to have a magic machine that controls every single molecule. The problem is that as you approach the level of the molecule, the strangeness emerges and the techniques that were piloted to reach that level crumble under the complexity of the next step down.

Only 8 types of diagrams is the accepted form. And Object is not one of them. I think this overall approach is very limited in its scope and somewhat tangled in its application. It seems to be poorly controlled and open ended in some aspects. My goals are to define a language that translates directly to program code and structures and describes the options of an AI in practice.

I am studying and using Umbrello to test my skills and how it might help or be integrated in the overall concepts of antfarmgl. Below is the table I will fill in as I develop understanding of each concept and how it relates to other concepts like CAM, XML, programming style, autodocs, scripting, blender animation sequences, flow charts, auto programming, and AI .

Category of diagrams Typical usage Simplified description Relationships to other concepts sub parts
Use case initial stage of a project analysis describe what a system looks like from the outside The play of life
Class Initial program object definitions overview of a system by showing its classes and the relationships among them objects in a system and their relationships. class name, attributes, and operations.=Static
Object or Package Simplification of larger diagrams Grouped related elements Grouping method Static,Instances
Sequence A scene or scenario displays the time sequence of objects in action. More likely to be visualized in 3D in blender Interaction, Dynamic Vertical=time Horizontal=Objects
Collaboration Dynamic
State chart Subsets of individual flow states an object goes through Same as B3D Flowchart
Issues Deadly embrace Competing process Order of execution. What about simple data dependency?

The most immediate and obvious conclusions that I can reach are ones that I have already understood, which is that the representation of information and process are best done with blender animations as it can show a higher degree of dimensional relationship between the parts that is easier to grasp as it is the way in which we observe and respond to the universe in dimensions 3 with T. I can see how cladistic interpretations can benefit from such an approach. There is a lack of clarity that comes from trying to display a 4 dimensional process as a 2 dimensional state diagram. The additional interpretation must be made in the mind and so it is not immediately obvious to all without the training in interpretation that would come with such a method.

In communication between species that are capable of binocular sight or 3 dimensional reasoning in some form, the language of demonstration is a far better way to communicate. It transcends language and every thing that exists must operate in the space of the universe. Any intelligent creature would have to have some innate ability to comprehend causality.

By using these flat diagrams in 3 space to represent areas that are completely causal in a simple way, I can save on computation. Furthermore, the application to individual catalytic steps , like those of the citric acid cycle could be very beneficial in also plotting the mathematical relationships , like Michaelis-Menten, which are associated and tend to describe the relationships of the parts in a more computable and precise way.

Another thing which occurred to me is that I could modify control and process in such a way that I purposely avoided ambiguous points in chaos and this would allow me to use chaotic events, without suffering the lack of determinant states that is inherent in chaotic process.

Even in the simplest chemical process of the cell, there are dependent relationships that are not easily represented in flat graphic form. Obviously ATP is involved in the citric acid cycle, and so are a virtual infinite number of antagonists, like ( lack of H2O , poisons, competing process, temperature, anti-catalysts, lytic compounds, space limitations ) that act outside the regular step wise process as it is represented diagrammatically.

I am searching for the intellectual method that I am missing in all this and I know it is there because I have a concept hole of a specific size, I just don't know what method should or could go in that. I suppose I will just thrash about at random until I happen upon it.



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