Deadlock, deadly embraced data

I have managed to make a method that stops potential Deadlocks. I would do a blend of it but I am getting to the final strikes of my code and it is impressive, even to me. It is fast and stable and expressive and intuitive. I has taken me much longer than I thought to get all the pieces together, but it needn't be rushed as I will only do it once. Just for my reference if I forget ΔT.n(d0(a)) < ΔT.m(d1(b)).

On separate issue, I am wondering why there is such a vast chasm between predictions of humanity's future. Some people wonder what cataclysm will destroy all life and others say that every person under 40 will become immortal. Being immortal requires that you not die in a cataclysm and so it may be possible to extend life, but shit will still happen and it won't be physical continuous immortality. Predicting the future is a safe bet when it is far enough out. Nobody can prove you wrong or right, just argue.

My prediction is that shit will happen, and we will know what it is going to happen when we have all the skills to make the future happen in the way we want.

I was doing Rubik's cube in my head and I realized there is a characteristic program for it and I could write that, but I really don't see much gain in doing it. It has to do with the fact there are three constant vectors, 6 sets of 8, three step swaps of 3 to sets, and a limited exclusion that is somewhere around a 10 letter word. (Lets see, 8 in 20, = 3bits X 20 = 60 bits = 260 which could be done with single operations on a 64 bit long array. I think it would work and I may do that for entertainment when antfarmGL is finished. It also has an 18 step limit for each change that is a 1/6 selector and that is below a long too so it could be quite fast. I think it could prove the maximum solve steps limit.



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