Neo-Nazi party joins anti-smoking campaign

<phony news> As spokesman for the master race I must say that we need to get rid of the degenerates in our population and these people ( insert category ) are the most disgusting of all, and fat people too. It is a step in the right direction but you fail to see the bigger picture. We could get rid of the alcoholics too and mental defectives and simply breed a new population from the people who win the Olympic games. We could get rid of the computer geeks too, because they just make us look stupid and confuse us and that is wrong. It is good to establish a segment of the population as separate and undesirable, but you fail to grasp the full benefit of a final solution. That which is not like me is evil and the sooner you realize that, the sooner we will have a perfect ordered society. We need new prisons that are less expensive, the cost of prisons is taking money away from the 'good' people and we should plan for a green future and use the biological content of the degenerates to provide a clean burning fuel source. It has been proven that spontaneous human combustion can be initiated in the proper circumstances and it destroys the entire body and bones while providing a safe and clean energy source for the moral people who are implementing the process.



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