Acceptable truth

The interpretation of information follows various logical methods and like mathematics it could be possible to assign a recognition function which defines the process of data transfer in terms of models which combine to produce improper results. The social engineering of the mind and the logic of physical systems often combine to incorrect results. Is there a way to test the validity of an assumption without considering the actual truth and just the structure of a statement? I consider it easier to look at the semantics of a premise and determine if it is intended to misdirect or derived in an unusual way without any measure of it's real value.

The context of information transfer is very much like the software systems I use every day. In order for many complex programs to run, they require dependent libraries of functions or specific hardware or pre-existing conditions. When dealing with information on the internet I often find that this dependency relationship is basically ignored in communications between individuals. The assumption of common educational or experiential context is virtually impossible with out a way to measure the complete context of the statements. Much like university classes, ability to use and understand the fundamental prerequisites is necessary to use new information in certain areas.

I often assume a certain background which would include my own 'library' and it seems that it is very unlikely that any person would have the same dependent functions. In complex communication of ideas, the problem expands quickly and without a formalized statement of context, I fear that no effective communication is possible.



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