Here in Iowa the floods have broken through levees and destroyed towns and fields. There is certainly a flood plain everywhere and the biggest problem I see with this is the fact that the government built levees and said that people could safely occupy the land without losing everything they have. It seems that somebody was sold swamp land by the government. Another thing that bothers me is similar to someone using open source for their personal profit. Preying on the kindness and charity of others. I see there was a call that went out to get volunteers to help shore up the levees ( not discounting the fact that our National Guard is mostly in Iraq ). The people volunteered to help save the city property and in return they will get business as usual from the people they helped to save. There will be no reduction of penalties in taxes, no reduced cost of food or any concession to those who helped others out from the kindness of their souls. It makes me think of the generations of families that have fought for freedom and the principles that founded this country. What they get for their sacrificed lives is the thing that they fought against. While they fought to preserve democracy for people, the country was working to take theirs.
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