whereis whereis

Being chaotic. Combining commands and methods to do unusual and effective things with a computer. The "name space" of a shell is the topic today. Like the name space of the internet. What name is valid in the context of a command and which of these are duplicated, dangerous, useful, known, long, complicated, common, new, changed, large, necessary, .... Doing "man which" made me laugh. After "manwich" from the commercial, I thought man witch which I guess is a warlock, some people might not wget this. That shows that I should spend a little more time IRL. "which which" "whereis which" "which whereis" "which -a git" "find /usr/bin/ -iname whereis" "locate whereis" . Each of these things does something similar, but uses a slightly different algorithm in doing a search. Find will actually go looking everywhere and does not stop on the first match. locate uses a data base that is on the "cron" daily. locate requires that "updatedb" be run as root to add files that were added since last cron.



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